# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 4/12/2006 01:08:00 PM
I went over to the hospital to see megan a week ago today and these are the pics i took with my phone while there. the kid came out great, i think she weighed 3.7 kg, for some reason the weight was in kg and not pounds. ten fingers, ten toes, everything came out alright. and yes, greg holding a baby is going to take some getting used to. i also stopped by friday after work when megan got out of the hospital and greg was sitting there with the baby in his arms just watching TV, it was a funny sight and greg looked worn out. megan was still wacked out on perkasets but she'll be just fine too. she had to have a C-section to deliver the kid but she seems fine and should be good as new in a few weeks. congrats to them.
Oh ok. Its still nice to see pics... Theres just something about it.
the pics "came out great" and your finger is in both of them covering up to 20% of the scene?
and hurray for metric! although kg are mass, and N are weight, while lbm are mass and lbf are weight, but only us engineering losers know that, and can you tell the fact that I'm reading a 1300pg physics book covering three of my undergrad classes is affecting me?
oh about the baby? no comment, my mind shall not go there for at least 2 more years, and 5 is more like it - but if it's cool for you, then good for you
AWWWW she's got Greg's scruff!
And good call on the neanderthal thumbs. Try to guess what our freaking Europe pictures looked like.
yeah yeah yeah, my thumbs seem to be the star of every picture, bite me.
thats awesome tell greg and megan I said congrats. In fact send me his number so i can call him