# posted by Damon @ 3/03/2006 07:16:00 AM

In Sweden everyone is supposed to equal so for example big business guys don't where suits. Well no one wears suits really. In the initial address from the university president in September he wore an ill fitting jacket and jeans. So it comes as no surprise I suppose that these photos of Peter Forsberg (in Swedish it's "forsh-berrry") at the team's celebratory night back in Stockholm were published in the paper despite looking like your average drunk friend at a college party. The last one was captioned about even millionare NHL players needing some cash for the night out or something like that.
And ok the first one is just a picture of the crowd welcoming them back, which I imagine was a few hours before the guys got drunk. This is not uncommon, they frequently publish pictures of wasted celebrities at events, because well, that is what Swedes do.
Photos published without permission from
You SUCK Forsberg!!
Why does he suck? He is a national hero here. He is also not the only one with bad photos, but I thought he was the most famous and recognizable in the US, so I used him as an example. I think the women's team got up to similar schenanigans.
i'd have liked to see that womens pics more. forsberg is a flyer now, back off. flyers need him to be superman down the stretch, everyone else is hurt.
huh, NHL? I though that wenk bankrupt or something last year. I'm with branciteam, I hate forsberg.