# posted by DJ Booze Piñata @ 3/27/2006 07:39:00 PM
So in tandem with my duties as House Roll Call Clerk (a temporary position until May,) I'll be a Legislative Aide (a permanent position,) meaning essentially that I'll be doing much scheduling, mailing, and constituent responses on behalf of three different state representatives. This is what I've been shooting for over the past few years, so I'm pleased as punch about it. It actually just means I'm someone else's bitch, but a step in the right direction IS a step in the right direction, after all. My boss actually called the pace of my rise "meteoric". I prefer "cumtastic" but I won't split hairs. Come this summer, I'll be directing several democratic campaigns, and as of next week I'm getting my own interns, too. Thank goodness I've got a girlfriend - happy hours would wind up disastrous, otherwise.
"Yeah! I gots umpthin ...*urp!*... you could do to me! FOR me, I mean! I....I'm sorry."
Anyways, that'll eventually start occupying my nights and weekends. But not yet! So in the meantime, of course, I've been learning how to use Macromedia Flash and Adobe Photoshop. I haven't gotten to the chapters on animation yet, but I made this just the other day...
nevermind..photoserver just ain't right today
Congratulations on the cumtastic rise (meteors fall burning to the ground in big craters, how can your rate of rise be meteoric?)
Sounds like you are gathering momentum for a '08 run?
I just checked back on your website and like the songs you added sometime in the last 6 months or so. Thugtales is funky, I like the melody, but it's so short.
congrats macunas! i was one of those interns during the semester b/w colby and jmu...good times. its not a bad job, enjoy it!
Awesome! Yes yes...now we have you in politics, and friend in the police department making his way up the ranks...things are coming together just as planned.
Just one question: Do the interns get glocks?
quite you FOOL! you'll ruin everything!
Who is in the police? Jared is in the Capitol Police and has to carry a gun 24/7.
petrulis is a middletown cop now
Jared's in OUR Capitol Police?
No, the Capitol as in DC. I don't think it's confidential, but it leads to (and he may have moved up by now) Senator protection and, and...something else, like Secret Service I think. So now I wonder who'd win in a fight, him or the desk jockies I know at the CIA and NSA?
Well the real question is if he gets a tazer like Petrulis. Up here we call Cap Police the Palace Guard, jokingly when we want to be funny.