The Workermonkey


Monday, March 27, 2006

Ok, so i'll post something 

spring funk. anyone else get it? it seems like every spring i get into some kind of funk, like my body and mind start arguing about how to prepare for the summer, or one is exausted from the long winter or maybe it has something to do with the alignment of the stars, i dont' know. All i know is that it comes on slow in the beginning of march and runs a month or so and i kind of act a little wierd. i can't explain it, at least not with out sounding too nuts. i managed to avoid it last year because i was doing things that threw both body and mind off track. i spent the month of february on the road with murphy, went to spring training for a week in FLA and had previously been outside the country before that. all those things at once kind of made it feel like i never had a winter. This year it's been back to the old grid of work so i've been present through it all.
i've been reading stuff online about what it is i think is wrong with me and from what i can tell it might be as simple as a lack of sunshine due to the winter. What i read said that over the winter your body would "dig into the well" for the vitamins and stuff you get from the sun and its this time of year when you start to run out so you start to feel strange and stuff. i've also read it could be as simple as taking a suppliment called 5-HTP. Or it could be a lack of sleep, seasonal depression, some kind of hormone i've never heard of, a lack of protein before bed (i have no clue how this one works), or a million other things that would slightly explain everything. it could also be a combination of all of these things. Or maybe i'm just a big pussy.
i've been eating healthier for a while now i guess, and i've been getting more regular exercise for the last two months. Next step is to cut back on drink and smoke. but by the time i'm done with that, i maybe out of the funk for other reasons. this is what happens, i'm over it or forget about it before anything i do could really have helped. if i'm nuts and they put me on pills, it could be a month before i feel the effects, by which time i'm back to normal anyway.
for now i'll just wear a sign on my back that says "do not feed the crazy" and hope people get it.

see what happens when no one posts?


well, thats why i got my blog guys were sick of the law posts, but i post fairly regularly, just to keep people entertained, even if minimally so.

i get that funk too. i think its most likely cuz winter sucks. i've never heard anyone say that spring, summer, or fall went too long or lasted forever, but every year people say that about winter. the 20th was officially the first day of spring, but nothing about this is spring-like. its cold and crappy out still. i know there's all that sciency crap behind it, but i say we push back the official first day of spring. if i didnt think spring was coming until april 15, then i might be ok for the extra few weeks. also, that would put tax season completely in the winter...winter sucks anyway, so who would notice?

this is getting long and tangential. i'll stop now.

By Blogger josh, at Monday, March 27, 2006 5:04:00 PM  

take off the skirt eh?

You probably have seasonal affective disorder (SAD). It pretty common for people like us who hole themselves up in an office all day. You should do what I do. Listen to The Cure non-stop, and enjoy being a cynical bastard.

We gots to get barone here a girl. Or a bike. either or both will take care of any free time spent feeling down.

By Blogger ron, at Monday, March 27, 2006 7:19:00 PM  

You've just been hanging out with your roommate too long.

By Blogger DJ Booze PiƱata, at Monday, March 27, 2006 7:39:00 PM  

its not so much feeling down. its just a funk, i guess its like stuff doesn't seem right, or i'm not used to warm weather again. i don't know, it just knocks me off balance a little.

yes, i do enjoy being a cynical bastard, and i think i'm kind of good at it. i cought myself at work the otherday being overly sarcastic. to myself, it wasn't a big deal but i realized that maybe the people i work with don't ever really see me when i'm not. i get kind of pissy in the office when people have stupid arguments which i can solve in 3 seconds. today it was about how many parts we send a customer. one guy said we were shipping the right amount, the other guy said we weren't making enough. it was in our production meeting, so i stopped them both and said, "wait a minute, they are paying us for X amount right? why don't we just build X and give it to them, because our paperwork is messed up it shoudn't mean we screw these guys on a delivery." they both stopped talking and we moved on. fucking rick.

By Blogger Supreme Monkey Overlord, at Monday, March 27, 2006 7:44:00 PM  

Winter is sweet. Even in Sthlm where the sun sets at 2:45pm in Dec. and there is still more than 6 inches of snow on the ground. On the other hand, it sucks because my football team is still practicing indoors. Anywho your funk sounds odd, aren't most people feeling quiet chipper when the warm weather comes? Then again you say stuff doesn't seem right, well stuff isn't right.

By Blogger Damon, at Tuesday, March 28, 2006 12:37:00 AM  

most people get in a funk in winter if there is nothing to do, cabin fever or some shit. keep on keeping on, and find some nice but easy girl to take the nuts to for a while. Your so money and you dont even know it!

By Blogger murphy, at Tuesday, March 28, 2006 1:46:00 AM  

Spring makes me horny, but i think thats natural.

And im looking forward to daylight-switch-the-times-around thing. As i get up with the sun, the whole 5:40am thing is not working. I think id sleep alot in winter if i lived in old Sweden, but summer would get a little crazy, as im sure it does there.

By Blogger wyldshaman, at Tuesday, March 28, 2006 7:53:00 AM  

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