# posted by Damon @ 3/24/2006 01:23:00 AM
Published: 23rd March 2006 09:00 CET
Bosses at a Stockholm hospital have asked a nurse called Jesus to change his name, after concerns that it might cause confusion among patients.
According to Jesus, an auxiliary nurse at Huddinge hospital, his superiors were worried that patients told "Jesus will be coming soon ," might get the wrong idea.
"If they thought that Jesus was coming they might believe that they were already dead," the nurse told
The Local.
Jesus, who will now use his middle name Manuel, said he didn't have a problem with the change.
"I understand why they wanted me to use my middle name," he said.
But, he added, "my name never usually causes me problems."
The LocalIn other news,
Saab is developing a hybrid that runs on E85 ethanol and would emit less than 20% the carbon dioxide than does the Prius. Also
Peugeot - Citroen is working on a diesel hybrid that gets 70 mpg in mixed driving. Both cars are expected to be available for sale in 2010.
Also as of yesterday 5 birds have been found in central Sthlm that had the H5 strain of the bird flu. In 2 more in southern Sweden, it was confirmed to be the version that is potentially fatal for people H5N1. I live 1.3 miles from where the birds were found, but so far the attempts to slow the spread have not affected people here.
Jesus is Coming!
Ha ha! How about, "Only Jesus can help you now sir"
hahahaha, or, "sorry, jesus isnt working today. but russell will do ya right!"
"Jesus wants a sample of your blood"