# posted by murphy @ 12/01/2005 02:01:00 AM
once again clearing the tubes...nice pics ron, wonder what jako is up to. Seems like that shit was so long ago. Good times had by all of course. I just got off work and figured I check out the blog. before i moved out here i was looking through all my shit and all the pictures. I got pics from Burr school, HK, Southern, Uconn, 247, walden, woodhaven, willington oaks, atlanta, montucky, cali, texas, mexico, weerrshhhhinton state, oar-gon coast, FLA, Haiti, and that crazy party in 2000 at ferraro's house when Bergan wore that suit, all the cops came and made us pour the beer out-fuckers.
In concrusion, lots a pics.
Sorry bout that first part...anyways
Ive been skiing quite a bit out heeeyon(here), it is awesome. It snowed starting last friday and did not stop until this afternoon. For all you tinfoil wearing banditos out there that is a total of 5.5 days of snow!! Yeah, I know, its fucking crazy. all of this=two feet of snow in the valley and about 8 feet of snow on the mountain.
I hiked up the mountain on monday. Me and my roommate and co worker climbed about 3/4 of the way up the mt. We then cut across the trail through some trees and were going through waist deep powder. Came through the trees to a ledge. Bout a 15 foot incline into a powder field, My roommate eric went down on his board and got stuck. Not enough speed and too much powder. He had to crawl on his gut to get to the snowcat track about fifty yards away.
I decided to hike back up and go down on the other side of the pines. Met up with Eric when the trail met. It was 5 degrees outside and the sun had gone down. My hair was frozen into a Edward Scissor Hands like style. The skin on the inside of my left ankle was worn off. This was the result of a thick wool sock, 2000 ft climb and the wrong size boot(I hastily grabbed two boots from the ski shop not realizing they were different sizes). Met with Eric and skied through some DEEP powder. Tried to follow a previous skiiers track-Failed. Left ski tip caught left track and Murphy went head over heals into some bottomless fucking snow. My head was under the snow but i could still see the sky. That is to say i made sort of a cavern with my skull in the snow-my head was below the snow but not buried. Fall did not hurt at first, i laughed at myself, rolled over onto my skis and stood back up. I was waist deep at this time and stuck my pole into the snow as if i were checking the depth of a pond with an oar. I could not reach my pole deep enough-jesus tapdancing christ.
Met up with Eric again after setting self free from deepness. Sweet rest of the run. All is well. My shoulder was kind of messed up from the fall but i was healed the next day. Strick regiment of Bong loads and advil-if possible blow jobs can be a substitute or enhancement of the drug regiment.
Anybody heard from Ski-Liz?? da dun chsss!
Getting back into the rythm of skiing. Work is going good-both places-who psyched... this guy! Went skiing again today, did not hike up as far because i was solo. Snowy, fogged conditions, had some new goggles-sweat condensation froze and i couldnt see a three tittyed mule-if had it been on the path that is...
Good run though, steep knee deep powder the whole way down, Badass mang!
Worked at the bar tonight-that is all.
Hope yeralll dooin fine, catch you on the Flipside,
Yours Truly,
The Madman
Ps. I still got room to spare out heyon, come visit, no one as of yet has made reservations and we are acting on a first come first serve basis and we dont play favorites. My door-open, fanfuckingtastically open nontheless. Hope to see, hear, smell, taste, touch all of you as soon as creepily possible. WTF
It smells like pussy in here-get used to it!
I'm still waiting on unconfirmed reports of small children being snow-plowed over my an "enormous, red headed, out of control, SOB, who is most likely vastly intoxicated".
Be carefull out there. Sounds like you could get into some trouble.
Murphy's got more powder than Scarface! Finally!!
murph, how long is the drive? I've got not jab and some time to kill. I cant ski though, haven't in 4 years.
36 hours if your hallin ass the whole way. but if your going to make the trip try to get someone to drive it with you i dont recommend doing it by yourself