# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 11/12/2005 02:35:00 PM
we need more aluminum foil
I hope you are recycling that when you are done.
What the hell is wrong with you all?
whats the matter, afraid to put your name on your comment?
Also, there's nothing wrong, we're having fun.
I think you guys need to lay off the booze. Seriously. Theres a fine line between having fun and regressing to idiotium. Why dont you start a book club or something.
it could be like the oprah book club, only not. here are some recommendations to get you started: penthouse, playboy (great articles), barely legal
i can't happen. ever. when was the last time three or more of us were in a room togeather and we weren't drinking? its been years, and every attempt has led to drinking and setback. Our apartment is a fucking blackhole. nothing escapes it.
arggg, you make thor god of whiskey mad.
I answered DUI in the poll even though that was not why I cut back, but a part of it. During my affair with alcoholism, which you guys would not even have believed, I drove wasted at least twice. One of the times, I repeatedly passed out and thankfully I woke as big snowbanks nudged the car back onto the road. I recall this happened at least three times and it happened on both sides of the road. But the real reason I stopped is because I began to have trouble reading, understanding spoken English, and sometimes speaking. I found out that dementia can be caused by excessive drinking and there ya go, I stopped. Now, 15 months, and probably less than 30 drinks later, the effects are gone, as is my desire to drink. Anonymous because you have heard those times people lose jobs because of online comments and such right?
don't be so righteous. this stage will certianly pass. with the exception of me (who is interviewing) all parties involved hold jobs, and get up on time. on a night when we do drink, none of use go bouncing off light poles around middletown either. We dont drive. If we do head to a bar, we use discression. Everyone of us knows that a DUI, accident or possibly killing somone with the car is going to fuck things up. And another thing about descression, dont check the blogger at work. how simple of a solution is that?
its too late to worry about internet privacy, we're all fucked. the phone company has your IP address and can see everything you do.
i read a good artical a while back about how all this crazy shit that people are writing on blogs will eventually come back to haunt them. if (god forbid) any of us ever try to run for office of anything, there is a ton of public information that we've written out there in the ether. the younger people are more screwed because they've written more stuff then we have and grown up with all this tech.
Say goodbye to First Selectman Macunas....