# posted by wyldshaman @ 11/10/2005 08:36:00 AM
So i heard about this "National Day of Absence" on December 1st and i plan to take part. Its basically an anti-war protest but the idea is to show solidartity with those devastated by Katrina.
For more info: www.troopsoutnow.org
I would be willing to take three people to the New Haven train station, from there we can all ride down to NYC and take part in the march. I think it would be a cool trip, for a good cause. We could even spend the night if people are down?
We could give the administration flack for trying to tie together Al-Queda with Iraq, sure. But no one is more excited than the Left when it comes down to tying issues together. I've seen this alot back in my protesting years.
"We should get out of Iraq because the Republicans are tied up with Enron!"
I would be at marches for campaign finance reform or World Bank debt issues and they'd all be chanting "Free Mumia Abu-Jamal!" which has NO relevance to economics. He shot a cop like 20 years ago. That's it. When you go, Jesse, just make a sign for whatever cause you want. A protest march is a good springboard for that.
"Free Gerber baby food!"