# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 11/11/2005 03:58:00 PM
I think i've talked with a few people about this but the sunday after thanksgiving some of us are looking at putting togeather a nice dinner for a bunch of our friends. I was talking to megan and greg the other night and they said it would be fine to do it at thier place since they have more room and are better equiped to handel a bunch of people. Megan offered to cook if i get the people. What i'm trying to gauge is how many people will be around and who can make it. The perliminary numbers show about a dozen or so people in attendence at about 2:00 that sunday afternoon.
If there are a lot of people interested in this it might be worth our while to book part of a restaurant or get a hall or something better suited to having a nice dinner with a bunch of friends. any ideas/suggestions? Who's in? Who's out? Anyone going to have a big house we could do this in? it would certainly be more condusive to our type of partying (wink, wink). Feedback people, feedback
for now i'm in, however the later on sunday it gets the less likely i can go cuz i have to drive back to pa on sun.
Count me and Kristen in. I'll scout for others.
Obviously I'm not there. I will be home Dec 21 to Jan 4. And how's this for luck, last night I had 4 Jacks (3 community) in our weekly Texas Hold 'em game. I won the last two games and three of the last six. But the buy-in is only about $4 and some people absolulely won't risk more.
seriously, i need more responses here. i've talked to some people in person but still don't have many ideas or "solids".
my idea would be for sat afternoon instead. but that's just me, and i know everyone's plans cant revolve around it.
i fugured sunday because i thought most people would have stuff to do. or in my case i might not be back until sunday. (josh, i'm working on my mom)
yo i'm in