# posted by murphy @ 11/01/2005 04:22:00 PM
Looks like everyone had a blast on hollows eve. Nice pics josh those chicks would definately pass for 'gardiner hot', I feel your pain.
Bozeman Montana, on the other hand, has a concentration of hot women that you would not expect. I might be getting this job as a bartender in this place called Spectators, 'were sports is not the only thing you watch'. Its like Hooters but not a chain. All the waitresses are hot, very hot, an no cheesy uniforms. Each girl is free to wear any outfit they like as long as it gives the middle age drunks something to look at. The girls apparently have been drinking too much on the job and the management feels that a man's presence behind the bar to keep them in line is just what the dr ordered. Thats where i come in... Manager/bartender.
My roommate Eric is good friends with the owners and he recommended me so Im good as in...But we'll see. My job at the ski mountain may be in jeopardy as a result but the girl that interviewed me said its not uncommon to walk out with 400 dollars on a good night. Im going to still try and work part time at the mountain if they let me. But I'll be making 3 times as much money at this bar so its definately worth it.
The House we live in is sweet. Its the nicest place I've ever lived, except the Neck house. The hot tub did not come with the house which sucks but ill get by.
Sorry i did not stay in town as long as predicted but Im broke and needed to get back to work. I had to borrow money from ma to even have enough to get back out here. I wish I could have spent more time with you guys but thats life.
Went to Montana State Univ.'s football game last Sat. and it was awesome. They won and I got to sit in the student section for free(students get in free and i borrowed an Id). The ROTC fired a cannon every time we scored. A local bar gives away free hamburgers and sausages on game day outside the stadium which was also sweet.
Last Friday we went to a local semi pro hockey game, Bozeman Icedogs. Notorious in their league for fighting and we saw too, they won 4-0. We smuggled in a 750 of seagrams and drank it before the end of the first period. Only five bucks to get in and you get a free soda and popcorn with purchase, so naturally we made seven and sevens with the booze (seagrams and seven up for you non booze hounds).
For now I spend my days watching illegal cable, my roommate knows a guy, and the occasional binger-though im out of green that the wolf gave me for the ride, thanks again teen wolf
Hope you guys are doin fine and rest assured that im having good times as always
This message brought to you by Justin Murphy, swear free for your sake Damon.
keep fighting the good fight
Yes nice post, thank you, but the owner thinks the girls will be drinking less when working with you!? Haha, smooth, your fame must not have reached him yet, and this move will only increase it. Get a contract or work it subtly, so you'll become a Western legend after leaving the mythological birthplace of the East Side.
Ahh, specs... I've had many a drink between classes in indergrad...