# posted by NoBrainRequired @ 8/16/2005 08:21:00 PM
I have found a great weak link in the creationist argument. Obviously, things like "facts" and "logic" do nothing for these people. So I broke my handy "New American" Bible out to get inside thier heads (actually I was looking to see if Jesus ever actually eats meat in the bible, he does serve it once, but he only got two fishes for a whole mob of people, what a cheapskate (could make a good off color joke here)) Any ways. So God created man on the sixth day. Let's pretend that's a fact. Then on the seventh day God rested. Let's pretend that's a fact too. How does man know what happened before he was created? They have no frame of reference really. Pretend , even for a moment, that people just woke up in place fully conscious and aware of thier surroundings. The animals were already there (day 5) so were the fish (day 4) the oceans (day 3) the sky (day 2) and light (day 1). All the people could possibly know is that they showed up, unexplanedly, and then God did nothing the next day. Now assuming that one can't be aware ones own creation. How do they know how they were created, if nothing got created after them? God never tells them anything about that, he just says "Chill" and "Stay out my stash" . I'll go point out my plot holes elsewhere
random, but i like it.
i always thought god seemed like a lazy bastard, and now it all makes sense! it's my frame of reference! all he did after creating me was rest.
Comeon man, you know that arguement holds no water. Man doesnt have to 'know' what happened. Its not like he was taking notes or something. Besides, god talked to people back then. So he just told them after the fact.
Actually, if you read further into the book of Genesis, you notice that Adam walked with God. We have to assume, since God asked Adam to name all the animals, that God also told him how they were created. Additionally, the Bible was written by people who were supposedly told what to write or were given a vision (as is the case in the Book of Revelations).
I also think that intelligent design is not Christian only. Of course it ID you can have any whackadoo say that Giant Ape Men with 40 eyes seeded the Earth and that could in theory become a theory in itself. I say stick with the facts in the schools, but there is nothing wrong with engaging in conversation that also explores (notice I do not say teaches) other theories.
- db
a deeper read into Genesis reveals that when no one was around on that long walk Adam and god had glorious anal sex on the beach. Then Adam busted a nut in god's face and thats when god knew man had to be punished and Jesus crucified.
Intellegent design is a joke. Basically some guy, shaking his head with his arms out saying, "I just don't see how this could be?, must have been god"
as a side note, one morning I saw my mom checking the oil dipstick under the hood of the car (the car was not starting), she had her arms out, shaking her head saying, "I just don't see how this could be?".
It turned out to be bad spark plug wires.
That last paragraph would have been suffcient ron.