# posted by DJ Booze Piñata @ 8/25/2005 04:54:00 PM
So I had 4/4 wisdom teeth yanked out on tuesday. The top teeth were easy but the bottom ones actually grew 3 roots and they were all bent at 90 degrees, making them pretty hard to dislodge. The bottom teeth usually are the troublesome ones because they're literally harder. The kinetic impact from chewing can be distributed from the top jaw to the top of the skull, which deadens the tremor. The bottom jaw is smaller so the teeth are harder. There's also less blood flow down there so they take longer to heal, too. There's a nerve that runs thru the jaw and the lip that comes dangerously close to the wisdom teeth roots, so my bottom lip felt like a huge marshmellow after the anesthetic. Anyways in order to get out the bottom teeth the dentist had to saw them in half, which i could still feel even when I was under. I thought that shit only happened on Dr. Giggles. This guy's extremely good though and I'd recommend him to anyone. Dr. Patrician - his office is in Middletown near the grog.
So to prevent dry sockets (dissolved blood clot = exposed bone = painful) I gotta keep clean, and I can't smoke until friday (there goes THAT cure-all.) Kristen sent me a get well card with a guy wearing his hospital gown backwards for fear of being bareass. That brightened up my day. That and the HBO on Demand.
Same guy did the basically the same procedure for me. Leaves the jaw muscles sore from trying to give him a solid base to pull the teeth from. I had to drive home so I had only local. And the shitty bit is to come: He says something like the worst pain is about two days after, and then he hands you two days worth of pain killers.
yeah they didn't trust me with pharmies, the fools. I got like 3 days of super-ibuprofin. Good enough.