# posted by murphy @ 8/25/2005 12:40:00 AM
all the days run together like a fucking wicked fast blurr, and in one enourmous cloud of smoke--poof- the summers over. The good times are killing me. Sorry i havent been keeping in contact but my phones fucked and i cant get another for a while.
Im coming home in a couple of weeks. Me and eli are going on a road trip to ATL to see ole Pops and then back up to ct. before we leave were going on a river trip to through Cataract canyon which well take about a week.
I cant possibly fit the last month into one blog so ill have to give it to you piece by piece.
This has been the best summer of my life.
getting laid, getting fuck up, traveling, meeting awesome people and 'working' as a river guide. You might as well be a rockstar in this town if your a raft guide. I love pussy.
But not as much as i love mary jane