# posted by Brancibeer @ 8/30/2005 09:55:00 AM
Fuck yeah I’d vote for Walkin.
What this country needs is more cowbell.
Now theres somebody you can look in the eye…and be deathly afraid of.
Imagine him talking to foreign leaders? "Now listen Chavez, I'm going to say something and you are going to listen". Anyone would be better than that fucking dumbass bumbling cowboy I'm embarressed to call my leader.
Anyway, life is life is life.
Kim and I have been through a few ‘discussions’ lately.
Pretty serious stuff too.
Apparently she has come to realize that she can not see herself with someone long term who does not share her beliefs (religious).
Now we always knew this was a problem between us, but somehow we made it work.
But now coming on 1.5 years you start to rethink your situation and its make or break.
The break is the hard thing however.
We both still love eachother, but if you realize you can’t be with somebody, what are you to do?
Its shitty to me because I think it can work.
Its shitty to her because things are great, but she believes it wont work.
So what are we left with?….lets see what happens.
My old favorite motto.
This whole situation is further complicated by the ‘what am I doing in my life’ factor.
This town sucks and is going nowhere.
People are downright stuck in a rut and don’t even want to look what else is beyond the rim.
Fucking south.
Anyhow, I wont go on further about my woman woes.
The words just aren’t coming out this morning to keep any of you interested.
Figured I should write something to say whats up to yall. Remember; things are never as good, or as bad as they seem, and here are some cool turtles for your viewing: Graptemys barbouri (Barbours map turtle). Notice the keeled carapace (spiky shell thingys).

Good luck with the lady and good looks with the turtle trifecta