# posted by Brancibeer @ 7/21/2005 09:38:00 AM
Its one of those days again. One of those days where you feel fine but kind of shitty. I’m questioning my place, my purpose, and everything else. I’m happy for everything yet am bored and unsettled. The people at work are annoying me. Annoying me by talking on the phone about budgets, or complaining to a coworker about some meaningless bullshit at the gas station. These people here...i just dont know how they do it everyday. I dont know how or why. They get paid less than i do and they are here before me and after me everday. They do work that is even more bullshit than mine. I dont know how or why. I suppose i'm still fighting it. I cant get stuck in some shitty town with shitty people in a bullshit job. No fucking way. I recieve an average of 20 emails a day- 2/3 of which is just nothing. I cant get motivated to do any of my work. Partly because its not pressing and its stuff I have been doing all along. I worked my ass off last week too. I was literally scrambling 10 hours a day with no lunch until the deadline of 5 on Friday. Perhaps I’m unconsciously compensating myself this week. I’m saying, “You know what, fuck this”. How many more times can I review a fucking plan? I read the governmental jargon that I and my coworkers wrote over and over, but they do not register in my brain. My brain is not allowing myself to concentrate on the meaning. Instead it tells me it is unimportant, and instead, why don’t you go play an internet game. That will amuse us. Ive felt like a fucking lawyer a couple times this past week too. Having to write all these goddamn disclaimers, so assholes don’t knit pick and complain about this and that. “This map is only an estimate based on the best available information at this time. It should not be assumed exactly accurate”. Fucking governmental bullshit I tell you. I told myself no coffee today either. But here I am sipping the liquid quietly as I write. Hoping that it will change my mood or motivate me to do something, anything. I need something to help me. To alcohol, the cause of and solution to all of lifes problems. I’m hoping my upcoming vacation will help me. Fuck I need a break from work. Well, here I go all nancy negative again. Felt the need to rant. Trying to pull myself out of it ya know. It will be good to be back in CT for a week. Setback, Risk, dogs, woods, cool fresh air, friends, family, freedom of time.....ah that makes me feel better. I really do think i just need a vacation.
i know what you mean about some of hte people at work. i don't know how they do it either, all the guys in the shop lead shitty lives, most of them make less then me and they are always getting harrassed about doing things faster and cheaper. the only way i've come to explain it is that at this point they've either been broken and have given up, or they just don't know anything else. one of hte guys i work with fits perfectly into the "broken" example. he's maybe early 50's, divorced, no kids,and he just comes in every day, does his job (which is in no way exciting) and goes home. he's kind of a pain to work with because you have to lay stuff out nice and neat for him, but hey, he does his job.
remember, thats why we all went to college so we don't have to end up a soulless shell of a human just doing some shit job every day. the emails- i get about 10 junk emails a day, all of which have to do with cialis and levitra. no viagra just cialis and levitra.
you work for the government, if you did a week of actual work, you're entitled to at least 3 weeks of solid slacking.
it'll be good to have you back in state, even if it is only a week.
branciteam? warhol? cool pic.
picture- 20 minutes in photoshop
Regarding emails- not spam (viagra). More like everyday BS work emails.
Update- feeling better and slightly more positive this afternoon.
what effect did you use?
artistis --> cutout