# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 7/18/2005 01:04:00 PM
back to work, back to work. i didn't drink all that much last night but i still feel a little hungover today. i keep trying to catch up on sleep on the weekends but that never seems to happen and i only lose more sleep. firday i was wiped and called it a night around midnight, saturday i was asleep by 11 but up at 8, gained a little ground there but not enough. i think i need to start focusing on doing less during the week and getting more regular sleep. starting this week i'm going to start limiting the beer intake. i'm not giving up drinking (that would be blaspheme) i just want to cut way back or limit myself to the weekends for awhile. i need to get back in shape so cutting down the beer levels to slightly below severe alcoholism would be a good place to start.
as each week passes it looks more and more like every tuesday is going to be a wash. hangover wednesday should be a theme at work.
1/2 game back. go yanks.
right now it goes without saying that i've done nothing useful at work today. when coupled with my pointless friday afternoon, it'll be a solid day of work doing very little.
i usually dont even buy beer until mid week. even then It's only a sixer so the damage is limited if i feel like indulging in all six.
or learn some self control.
Now that you're on "team Kolpak" you have teammates pushing you on during the week. Its hard to let the team down.
i have no problem with letting down "team kolpak". my problems comes when i'm trying to sleep. friday i woke up to the ever popular "America.. FUCK YEAH!" blasting in the living room at 5 in the morning. kolpak and Jay mills were both passed out on the couches with all the lights on.
yea, that will run up the electric bill. I'd be pissed too.
i was gonna say matt, i'm all for overcoming alcoholism, but not on tuesday nights.
tomorrow anyone (everyone)??
It sound like the same old BS chumpo. You guys got to have some kind of agreement or rules if this is ever going to work. Welcome back to the world of roomates. Theres good times, but lets not forget the bad times at 5am when youre trying to get some fucking sleeep! Dam you ron...i mean...uh...kolpak.
Seriously, between living with Ron and Brian I was like Chief Biggum Smokum with the peace pipe. That reminds me we should all make up Injun names and then start rapping.
Tuesday night operations are proceeding regularly.
Ah the once mighty Chief Smokum. All hail the chief!
sleep on weekends is one thing, sleep during the week is another. as much as justin hates to admit i work a steady 8-5 job, he has no problems complaining about the one night a week he needs to wake up before 10.
hopefully he remembers i reserved the right to kick his ass out if i so feel the need.
now that's a kick ass lease. or did you guys draft a constitution?