# posted by wyldshaman @ 5/28/2005 09:53:00 AM
So often you sit there wondering "what can i do?", well at least i do. Here is something that you can do, that i feel strongly about.
Around 1.1 Billion people live in extreme poverty, extreme poverty is defined by the UN as those making less then $1 a day. I do not wish to argue about why this is or if poverty can really be ended. Just look deeply inside yourself and ask can i be doing more to help?
Please go to
www.one.org And tell your friends and family, lets try to make a difference because thats what we CAN do.
Thank You.
I added my name this morning, but I must admit, this is not a huge issue for me. There are other things I think more about, maybe because I am not sure there is a clear course of action to solve third world problems. The US certainly can provide more money and other forms of aid, but really the countries need to be stable and safe, and have some kind of economy where people can earn a living. Unforunately, countries trying to move out of the third world seem to be finding the only help countries like the US offer is using those poor people for cheap labor to feed our ever growing desire for cheaper goods. It is an area I have little knowledge, but I do not know how those countries can be put on a long term sustainable path to a decent standard of living. Further, I was not totally sure what my name was going to be used for. It seems they will be asking the US government to do more to help, but beyond that I could not figure.
part od the harsh reaility of this world is that our country does benifit from third world places and we sort of need them. the US has already pledged to send aid and help these people, but we aren't actually sending any money. look up the Millenium Project. its an already established goal that we just aren't making any payments too. thanks GW.