# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 5/08/2005 01:00:00 AM
microcausm of the religion vs. science debate. trust me, it's in there, half way down.
this is what amazes me. science, common sense, logic and good planning are thrown out the window in favor of irrationalism, religion, and hate. i know it always sounds lke one side is yelling at the other, or i'm just some crazy liberal, or some stupid label is placed on one side or the other, but thats how the argument has been framed. any side showing "facts" can be considered liberal, and the right has done as much as it can to crush intelligent thought. (whole new story, not going there) it's come down to trying to discredit and destroy the entire intelligent community and replace it with hardcore idealists. its not weather you're right or wrong, it has more to do with how much you "believe" in one side or the other.
this is where the two sides differ. the left is willing to hear serious debate and listen to logic and a well put togeather arguement. the right has no tollerence for that and believes their side is right based on faith alone. your "facts" and "logic" have no place here! and then it degrades into name calling and destroying your opponet. the attacks against the left never employ reason or proven fact, its always about destroying the charactor of the accuser, and trying to discredit anything they say. not disprove, but discredit.
ok, now thats the rant. anyone notice i haven't been talking baseball recently? thats because there isn't anything good to talk about in NY. top to bottom the line up is poor. not a single player is safe from critisim. a-rod is making errors in the field, kevin brown is just killing us, randy maybe hurt, matsui has cooled off very quickly, the kids aren't hitting anymore, gordon and hte rest of hte bullpen is a mess. bernie williams should have been benched before the season even started. i'm glad canu is playing, but it may be a year too soon for him. i'm hoping this isn't a trade bait scenaro, because he may be the cost of renting rodger clemens for half a season. in any other sport but baseball i'd push for just finishing last and getting a good draft pick, but it doesn't work that way in BB. if you sign top freeagents in the off season, you lose your top draft picks to the team you signed the guy away from. giambi didn't just cost us alot of money, he cost us a first and second round draft pick. so did pavano+wright. this is a big reason why the farm system is bare.
around the AL; man, if only oakland could hit. the whitesox will tail off, and baltimore isn't. tampa is going to make some kind of giant trade at some point. there aren't as many teams willing to trade any one this year and they have a few parts that are up for grabs. huff, lugo and baeiz. bat, SS with speed, and closer. they are going to get top dollar too since they are in high demand and the market is smaller then it has been.
this may be the year the braves don't win the devision because of the marlins. delgado was a serious bat in that lineup and hte pitching has been excelent. who's riding the D train? and lieter is the forth starter, does this remind anyone of maddux being the fourth starter in chicago last year? speaking of chicago, my heart goes out to all cubs fans. if on;y wood and prior could be healthy. this team is also a canidate for picking up all three of those guys from tampa. huff could replace bernitz (well, anyone could replace bernitz), lugo fill in for nomar, and baiez can close out a bunch of games until (fuck, what's his name, borowski?) comes back. unless the pardres blow up, the dodgers will run away with the west this year, the diamond backs aren't for real and the giants can't do shit without bonds, or alou. the team to watch out for is the cincinatti reds. they can hit and they have some pitching. going to be a tough team from here on out. watch for the brewers NEXT year. they got a great deal in return for richie sexon last year and those guys are all going to be starters, plus they just locked up ben sheets and have BJ hardy on the way up. and i think prince fielder, cecils son. but he may be somewhere else, check me on that one.
Putting yerself on a slippery slope by saying the right "never" uses facts when attacking the left. Granted, they are very good at character attacks, but many Lefties also play a little fast and loose.
i agree to that, but you have to admit the right uses one insitution to make up facts while the others use them as a "resource". a more grandiouse version of the "rush limbaugh echo chamber".