# posted by DJ Booze PiƱata @ 5/23/2005 08:24:00 PM
So I hit the "next blog" button and it brought me to http://hand-care.blogspot.com/
I'm not even going to field any self-abuse jokes right now. Not just yet.
Actually, next time I'm prompted to tell a joke I think I'll start it:
"So me and this bitch are thinkin' about beating me off..."
At that point I "accidentally" spill grape juice all over those surrounding me and the joke ends.
Thievery Corporation is doing a set in Providence tonite. No fans available for me to go with. Que un sorpreso. Que una lastima. I guess it's helping me save my money, but really - I would like to actually attend some of these things. Theivery Corp. consists of two DJs from DC. They are damn sick when it comes to combining funk/lounge/electronic with world music. They run this club in DC called 18th Street Lounge (18th St. is a pretty hot strip near Vermont and Connecticut Avenues.) Rastas guard the door and there's a strict dress code for Superstylin'. I bet the audience tonite is pretty eclectic themselves. Lots of rastas. Haha I just thought of a joke.
Q: What do you call a Jamaican that's smoked himself stupid?
A: A tabula-rasta.
*(Audience blankly stares....)*
nice macunas.
Q: a black guy and a mexican are in a car. who's driving?
A: a cop
actually ganked that one from an old snl i saw the other night. back when snl was actually synonomous with funny. good times.
actually, i just saw assualt on precint 13 and that joke was in there too.