# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 5/12/2005 11:36:00 PM
i feel i have to talk about the current state of video games. i've been playing a lot of video games in all the free time i have and reading a lot about all the new technology coming our way in reguards to such. i recently played through metroid prime ( i can't fucking beat the end boss, and its like a 35-45 minute battle every try), i've been playing old SNES games on my computer because i bought a sweet imitation playstation controler that works with the SNES emulator i downloaded. before metroid, i finised Zelda: wind waker, and i've just generaly been playing more games. today i finished up Resident Evil 4 which was incredible, a vast improvement over all other RE games. plus it was fucking sweet. blowing the heads off zombies in this game is a memory i'm not soon to forget. while playing the game i was excited, scared, happy, and just plain entertained. there were many moments in which i found my palms sweating and my heart racing. like a good drug or sex.
this got me thinking. what makes video games so special? why have they blown up in our society to a level to rival movies and music? its because video game combine the best aspect of music, movies and interactivity to creatate a great experience. the cinematics of most games are directed by hollywood guys, the music is awsome and the user has the ability to control the action. the visual experience can imitate things like comic books. (please someone please recognise the visual art and text of comics!) the interactivity makes the user feel incontrol. its a fantastic marraige of all other types of entertainment. when society looks at forms of entertainment they see music, movies, sports and reading. games can combine all of those. the video game industry is on the verge of over taking film movies in revenue. plus, in the next two weeks or so, the next generation of consoles are going to be announced. the PS3, X-Box 360 and a first look at the nintendo Revolution are all expected at E3.
PS3 and X-box 360 are expected to take the conservitive approach and push for better graphics from more of hte same. nintendo is looking at taking a more philisophical approach and making hte games more fun to play. the Revolution is rumored to have a touch pad inplace of the familar D-pad and a gyroscope in the controler. games like doom 3 and half life 2 have pushed the bounds of what we expect from games. there are countless inovations from new PC games and consoles are quickly catching up. This is one industry that i believe may never reach its full potential because the nature of hte beast is just too large. how do you combine the greatness of movies, music and games to create the untilmate video game? can it be done?
i leave you with this, what was the last great game you've played?
funny pic
Last great game was Zelda Ocarina of Time for 64. There have been good, but that was the last truly groundbreaking, innovative , exciting game i've played. I've been picking up a couple 64 games here and there from flee markets and stuff. Latest find- Battletanks for $1.99. Nice! I also ordered Paper Mario 64 for a heftier price, but it was worth it. It was supposed to be N64's last great game. Its pretty good for an RPG. Kim and i are working our way through it now. The only other game i would want would be Conkers Bad Fur Day, and my N64 wish list will be complete. All of a sudden i have a large collection of N64 games...
Keep us updated on the game front Matt
video games and sex, for me at least, are on two different levels. maybe im playing the wrong games
....or banging the wrong hoes?
my latest greatest....GT3
I'll interrupt video games for sex, but then go right back to the video games afterwards. Sorry babe - no cuddling unless I love ya (read: never).
My console is my PC so Halo 1 and Rise of Nations are my fixes. I still actually play Civ III. That's gotta be my favorite game ever. It would be Tino's favorite also if it wasn't already Civ II for him and his slow ass mac.
Stronghold 2 is addictive though I don't know why since it's basically the same thing over and over. I guess most games are to some extent. Anyway, I got that recently for PC and play it when I have many hours to kill. I just got Forza for Xbox and played only a little so far but it looks killer. But no game can challange Madden for keeping me locked in my room for months on end. Even when it's going bad, you just think: well if I can trade my young promising backup for a veteran I need on the D-line, and draft a starting free safety in the frist round, release the expensive underacheiving WR, maybe.....