# posted by murphy @ 5/09/2005 02:24:00 AM
I like to see a new perspective on the blog. Welcome Johnny boy. I can see some intense rivalry already forming. Its been a long time since i checked the blog. Its nice to be back.
I see that Damon has returned, if only to comment, soon you again will feel welcome.
Ive been working for about six weeks now and the job is begining to wear on me. The kids drive you crazy all day long and it gets to you after 14 straight hours. The other night, I skipped out of work an hour early and hightailed it up to Cojones. Got blotto, took a ride with flores, did shots of cuervo with hot bartender,puked in parklot-and onself, coronas, danced, made out with drunk girl,cock was blocked, passed out at Windhm Prk #37.
Take a deep breath.....
And go-Fun night out, shitty night at work. I was on the verge of quitting on thurs. but had a good day on friday. I may just go to montana after all. Well see what kind of sell job Eli can do when he comes home. which is on wednesday. by the way...
#1 If anyone needs furnature of any kind, I have an apartment full in need of a space, you come you lift and you transport. Ill help you lift it but I dont have an way to haul it. Anything from couches to kitchen stuff-whatever you need I got.
#2 Large Party to be Held at the Murphy Camp. In honor of Justin's recent acedemic accomp., Elis home coming and going away again, my possible departure,Ron's masters, All other friends graduations, and lastly in honor of loose or as we like to call, "fun" girls of the ct mass and surronding areas---a large party will be held. Come one come all-alcohol provided, dancing, pong, water sports, fireworks, lots of women but if you have more you can bring them, if we decide to go crazy we may get a mic and do some open mic/karreokee shit. Im sure i butchered the spelling on that.
date tba
all night long
more than anyone can possibly handle
More details after i talk to Eli the Shly Guy
You had me at "water sports"
as long as its not this saturday i'll be able to make it down. i have tickets for lewis black in burlington.
lewis black is also coming to one of the casinos, i think next month