# posted by ron @ 3/30/2005 03:57:00 PM
ok, so i'm helping this guy out today and disaster struck. I showed him how to hook up to the system and show his diving video program on the projector, no problem there. he was the diving coach for UCONN and didnt know a goddamn thing about computers. the vid's a little small and whatever program he was using didnt have a full screen option. ok, i show him how to change the resolution to make it look a tad bigger. no problem. next i notice that the videos are all choppy and he cant seem to pause them at the right spots. alright, here is where i should have stopped. but no i though i could help him out. basically in the program it has one options menu with two spots to enter 1) the database file for the videos and 2) the videos directory. so i show him how to copy the videos to the desktop and change the directory. it doesnt work for some reason so i change the directory back to read the videos from the CD. that doesnt work either. i basically tried to help out and fuck it all up. i feel bad about it but in the end it serves him right for not keeping up with how to even use windows XP. i knew i was in trouble and should have stopped when he had questions about cut and paste. i still gave him my number to call me later in the week so i could try to help him out some more.
lesson learned: if its not your problem, dont fix it.
look at you, helping the community (or at least trying to). go ron.
the best part was that it was a borrowed laptop.
dear wokermonkey, you are a googlewack enjoy! email me at randyrooksy@hotmail.com