The Workermonkey


Wednesday, March 23, 2005

A typical day in Brancibeerville 

3-22-05 6:55PM

A 5:50 run to “discount liquors” seemed inevitable considering I went to work at 7 and left at 5:30. Its not that I planned it that way, it just happened (both work and the packy run). Actually I shouldn’t say packy, because they don’t really exist here. One good thing about FL is the lack of Blue laws. Fuck yeah (damn you chump/ Murphy- it stuck). I get liquor at what would be “package stores” in the north, and I get beer at the local grocery or gas station (along with glass bowls if you fancy). The gin won out over the bacardi this day, time for something different. Had to go to the grocery across the street anyway, so ill get the tonic there. That’s what gets me about this life. There always some fucking chore to do. Whether getting milk, food, taking out the garbage- theres always something taking up my time. Getting home is more stuff hitting me in the face. The cats craving attention. They knocked over shit all over the kitchen in one of there afternoon frenzys, and I have to pick that up. Theres no time to figure out what liquid is spilled on the floor, nevermind where it came from, I just clean it up. Probably water. Still puzzled to where it came from. Doesn’t matter- put away the grocerys and pop the pot pie in the oven. This I planned. Its nice having a big house to yourself, but fucking christ theres just a lot of shit to do. First things first. I pour myself a “comfortable” drink and put on the classic rock. I got the stereo hooked up pretty good here, I love it. Got 3 speakers in the living room and one in the kitchen. Nothing spectacular, but damn hell good enough for my standards. Plan out my night. I hate being a plan freak, but I’m telling you fellas, you just got to do it or you will never survive. Organization is key. It makes your life smoother and happier. Get used to it. After dinner I sit down to write a blog. It feels damn good to be back on the site again. I really did miss it. I like sharing these things with you all. Letting you into my thoughts and vice versa. Therepy, as one law student once said. Also decided to roll one up for the night. I’m currently looking at it while I type. I don’t usually roll em, but I figured I’d go LaRose style tonight. And I was surprised to find out I actually did a good job on this one. Very proud. But I cant say I was too surprised. I could feel it while doing it that it was going to be a good one. Not the usual for me, I’m not very good. But tonight I just knew it would be good. Well see how it goes now…..

This isnt the norm for me by the way. Its mostly because the Kimmers away and I have the place to myself. Its not like I'm limiting myself when shes around either. Its just not something we do really. Once and a while, but its just not the thing. Which is cool with me, it makes these times even better.

What is it about journals anyway? I remember seeing this guy on Oprah a while back (my sisters would watch it after school) who would write every mundane detail about his life down in these massive scripture like books. Seriously, he got on Oprah because he has this huge journal. The guy would litterally write something down every 30 mins. Maybe even more. Even if nothing happpened. Even if what he did was think about what he was going to write in his journal in the next 30 mins- that’s what he wrote down. In fact, during the time he was on TV with Oprah, he sat there and wrote about how he was on the show. Fucking loser.

Now I'm noticing what I wrote down. I use dashes a lot. I like them they are very helpul.

Have you ever hung out with Macunes and think you were stoned, even if you weren’t?

Have you ever been waiting for RPL and wonder what in fucking hell is taking him so long to get here?

The cats are itchin really bad here. So, I’m going that grocery store to pick up some flea powder. The fat one never cleans himself and hes going at it so that means fleas. Ari gato senior catos’

I’m come to realize how much of an Aetheist I really am. Living with kim, getting older, living in general. The more it makes sense and the more I cant explain it. That’s right, cant explain it. It’s too complicated and it just comes in burst of clearity at times and I really feel it and know its right. Ironically, just like how faith comes to you. They are actually very similar (being religious and Aethesist- in case I lost anyone). Not necessarily bipolar though. Although I can explain it right now. It’s a complicated subject and I actually think about it a lot (which is another parrallall). But its no wonder that its been the thing of debate and adoration for well…ever. 1) Its basically universally accepted (98% I believe) 2) It deals with something that can never (probably) be ever proven right or wrong. Its an unsolvable equation. The information is just not all there. Your stuck, you can argue the probabilities all you want, but they don’t add up anyway. Its just really part of life to think about. But when it interferes with other parts of life, then it’s a problem. Terry Schiavo, President Bush, Pro life/ choice, sexuality values, gay marriage, etc. (good list). These are all incidents of faith getting in the way of what I am going to call common sense. But again, there are many sides, and there is no answer. You can argue the sides all you want but they don’t add up in the end anyway. That’s just a part of life. You cant deny it! There is no wrong or right. There is no good or bad. We are looking at life wrong. We have the wrong categories. They don’t match up to how the pattern and system that life runs on. We have the wrong information. WE WILL NEVER SUCCEED WITH THE WRONG INFORMATION. The wrong questions, the wrong understandings. We are fundamentally handicapped by our own species.
And there is our answer. We are failures. All of us.

Next day note- Wow, I really got on a tangent there. That’s gold Jerry, GOLD!


Insightful. I like your idea that we have the wrong catagories. If things are wrongly delineated, then the nature of the debate (and of thinking about it in general)will be off from what it should be - kind of a tunnel vision. I'd blame language.
Reminds me the Sapir-Worf hypothesis about how Eskimos can differentiate between like 8 different shades of white - mostly because they have words for it. In 1984, Orwell invented Newspeak to show how when the variety of words to choose from is cut down, the variety of thought is simultaniously cut. Every have a feeling or idea that you just can't put into words? Wouldn't it feel much less foggy if you could actually communicate what that feeling was? If you can't, then forget it. It stays a ghost. The thought is impossible to process if it's outside your bounds. If it's outside your bounds it's uncommunicatable to one's own inner monologue.
Veryfull plusbad. Waitstop.

By Blogger DJ Booze Piñata, at Wednesday, March 23, 2005 6:02:00 PM  

Hmmmm...... doublethink

By Blogger ron, at Wednesday, March 23, 2005 9:07:00 PM  

interesting stuff guys. everyone can relate to that feeling where they want to express something but dont have the word(s). my question is this: how do you think we could start expressing these feelings. in other words, how could we convey our ideas. like in the eskimo example, i can see where it'd be a little easier, cuz they could point at a shade of white and say a word, but what about for intangibles? good stuff to think about. any ideas?

By Blogger josh, at Wednesday, March 23, 2005 10:00:00 PM  

little meows sound good i can see where the weed kicked in during the post. I thought it was different words for snow? both maybe. Man controls speach not the other way around. Words dont mean shit until given a meaning. The variety of words was cut down because the variety of actions was cut down. Less experience, Less Knowledge, and Less need for 'excess words'.

We all must meet our moment of truth

By Blogger murphy, at Wednesday, March 23, 2005 10:58:00 PM  

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