The Workermonkey


Tuesday, March 01, 2005

there ain't no openings... 

like ho-penings.

that's right ladies, just like ron i'm back on the bean. the temporary cure for the permanent tiredness.

next week i'll go thru withdrawal. ahh spring break. 5 days of pretty hardcore reading/appellate briefing, then 5 more of an orgy of golf and beer. ain't march grand?

the more i have class with and discuss politics with the republican house member of sc in my classes, the madder i get. even when i'm just joking around, saying things like "states suck, go federal government." though maybe there's some truth to that. states' rights theory has and would fail(ed). the south would have slaves, and would abolish the 13th-15th amendments (civil rights). my con law class is hard as hell, but it gets you thinking sometimes, and i like that. i only wish i had more time to think about these things and less reading so i can do that. it seems to be a trade off these days.

but 1 thing this house member said to me early on in the semester gets me thinking from time to time. he said "in the house, you'll meet some of the smartest, but also some of the dumbest people." i dont know his grades, nor do i care about them. i do know a bit of his personality, work ethic, and general demeanor. doesn't come off as one of the bright ones. he's a lot more of the good-with-people type of person, so he can sound persuasive. but too single tracked. can't take in and even consider the opposing view, which is important.

hell, i'll even embrace the other view at times: homeless begging for change? get a fuckin job. suuuure you can cry me the river about how hard it is from that position or maybe something really bad happened to him, blah blah blahdiddy blah. but if his life is that destroyed, check yourself into a mental institution if that's where you belong. but don't expect me to give you my hard earned money just cuz i'm doing better than you are. bill gates deserves every penny he's made. if you don't think so, then go invent an operating system/company that's better or sells more than windows/microsoft and you can have your name in huge letters on the side of a damn building.

but that's not to say people shouldn't be charitable. it's just there's a time and a place. perhaps a company working to clean the environment is more deserving of my money than someone who wants a bottle of jack daniels. if you must give the man something, buy him a sandwich or a coffee. giving him money for booze is encouragement, and it's probably contributing to his death. it'd be cheaper to just send in a "cleaner."

maybe the objection is the actual begging itself. maybe it's not that i don't want to help the "needy" but rather it's the fact they sit around and expect it that's such a turn off.

don't get me started on welfare.

well i've just spent some time i don't have for now, but tha'ts ok. i think it went to a greater good. hopefully you all have something to say about any of these various topics. as this is pretty much my only way of communicating with most of you, i certainly appreciate the efforts of those of you who post regularly.

pot's not empty yet...

also, why is blogger so fucking slow?? it's like a retarded kid doing calculus. this thing's probably gonna post like 4 times.


for the record, it posted 3 times, but i took the liberty of deleting 2 for you.

By Blogger josh, at Tuesday, March 01, 2005 8:07:00 PM  

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By Blogger ron, at Wednesday, March 02, 2005 12:37:00 PM  

whoa whoa here, since when do grad students get spring break?

By Blogger ron, at Wednesday, March 02, 2005 12:38:00 PM  

Well Ron, Josh attends law school not grad school, but I'll get a week off for Easter next year at grad school. Doesn't quite match the month I got from Leeds, but I'll take it.

I agree with you Josh on the beggers for the most part, and am not sure about charity to those cleaning the evironment. You know I intend to work in renewable energy, but I know the market forces overcomes anything else and create the big changes. I'm trying to figure how clean energy will ever come to do anything, since the market won't take it until oil prices are sky high, by which time, won't there be so much CO2 up there that we're done for anyway and it's too late? Does clean energy need charity, for our long term safety? Why can't the market see farther than a quarter? I just don't know, but even if there's no jobs in renewable energy, I'm sure I'll have a good time in Sweden.

By Blogger Damon, at Wednesday, March 02, 2005 1:45:00 PM  

bill gates didn't really invent microsoft, he sort of stole it from a group of people who were just excited about making personal computers. plus, he owns the only company in the world thats been allowed to have a monopoly. just recently he gave an angry speech about the state of our educations systems lack of buying his product. he's kind of a jerk and he's used all sorts of dirty business practices.

By Blogger Supreme Monkey Overlord, at Wednesday, March 02, 2005 7:11:00 PM  

ok so he didn't invent microsoft, but you still get my point. once you earn the money, then you shouldn't have to put up w/ other people's shit about how to spend it.

why should my hard earned money go to people who don't try (admittedly this will not be everyone who gets some of it)? and of course there will be those who don't work hard for it, such as inheritances, however, chances are someone in their family worked hard for it or invented something or something like that. and if you invent something great, wouldn't you want your family to have the leftover money? isn't that the whole point of inheritance? true, they may not have earned it, but someone did. unless they stole it and got away with it, in which case, props to them.

By Blogger josh, at Wednesday, March 02, 2005 9:23:00 PM  

well, its hard to feel sorry for rich people because most of them didn't make their money by being nice. there's no money in helping people, thats why i say scew the rich. plus, as our almighty president has said himself, rich people don't pay taxes anyway. infact, most of them get more money from the government then they pay in taxes. kind of messed up.

By Blogger Supreme Monkey Overlord, at Thursday, March 03, 2005 10:41:00 AM  

then all we gotta do is get up into that "tax bracket." besides, despite my talk, i tend to be a pretty nice guy sometimes, and i dont think it's gotten me anywhere. maybe i'm just so jaded at this point or something, but being nice is one of the LAST things i take into consideration these days. people suck. fuck em. let's go back to hobbes' state of nature; war of all vs. all. every man for himself. these days it's like that anyway, within loose economic constraints of society that demand people are at least minimally tied together.

By Blogger josh, at Thursday, March 03, 2005 4:46:00 PM  

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