The Workermonkey


Sunday, March 06, 2005

oh, i've got things to say 

unfortuately for us the republicans have chosen a stlye of politics where its play or be played. play thier game or go home crying. but they were smart about which game to play. democrates hold the intellectual eliet status where we wouldn't stoop to thier level. too bad, their level is the lowest common denominator. we're fucked. by destroying the public education system over the last decade or so they've won. they created enough voters who are dumb enough to vote for them every time even though its against thier best interest. i'm reading "What's the Matter With Kansas?" it;s about how people vote against thier own interests. like, i don't like abortions, so i'm going to vote for the canidate who doesn't like abortions, hates kids, hates black people, has voted for tax cuts for the rich, is rich, hates the government, has lobbied against fuel effient cars and once had a black child out of wedlock. i don't care about that other stuff, they just don't like abortions! fuck yeah!

i think i've used that headline before.

fuck yeah!

america,................ fuck yeah!

how george bush has done it amazes me. he's a drunk, born-again christian, coke fiend, lunatic who takes the advice of his piers way too sreiously, but its gotten him this far on values. its mind boggleing. it makes no sense, anyone with half a brain sees through his bullshit. too bad he's spent a life time making sure we can't see through the bullshit so this stuff passes.

in VT we have a republican owned paper. The Burlington Free Press. it's so pro-bush its sick. but it works. people like him up here. he's pro-business so the business tycoons love him. look at the wall st. journal op-ed pages. but wait, what did tha market do last week? it dropped?

the role of the government isn't to povided business with any-loop-hole-nessary-to-make-a-buck, but to keep this country in check. the government is the only one capable of telling someone what they are doing is wrong, they look out for us. they are supposed to be the check to the free markets ballence. business looks out for no one but the bottom line, thats why government has to keep them in line. when government is only looking out for its corperate buddies interests, all hell breaks loose. it's like the hitler situation that that senator mentioned last week. remember, hitler was elected too. bush doesn't like the laws, so he changed them. just like hitler. when we stop learning from history, we're screwed. there is no reson to make the same mistakes already carried out by our history books. those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

we have to start small. as a group we are harder to break down. start small and work your way into power. money breads power and it takes a generation to create money. togeather, we can fight this, but togeather is our only way. unfortunately, they've picked a game that is play or loose. we need to win this, not only for our own good, but for the good of everyone to come.

if i were Iran, i wouldn't give up my nukes either. fuck the US, we have nukes but they can't? we've proven to be a bigger terrorist then any country. how many people have died in Iraq? thousands? wow, that's more then the 9/11 attacks. if they were so terrible, then why did we have to inflict more damage upon a country who had nothing to do with the attacks? what about AIDS? that seems to kill more people every day then were killed in the one day attack on NYC.

our goals are messed up because we've elected a president for the wrong reasons. i'd be shocked if bush didn't run for re-election under the FDR terms. and after the 12 years of office, he'd elect himself king, because hey, AMERICA VOTED, he has a mandate.

we're fucked.

i want to start our group of friends out small. we all have some sort of skill to bring to the table. it's in everyone's best interest to helpeach other out. we all need money, what ever out own sick agendas are. i don't want to see america become the next germany. we need to work togeather on this. FOCUS is the next term to change us. lets do this.


so i started reading What's the Matter With Kansas when i got it in december, so what. its hard getting through a book with that manny footnotes. try reading the 9/11 commistion report, i've been working on it since december and i'm only on page 25. the foot notes take up more space then the actual book. plus the best parts are in the footnotes.

By Blogger Supreme Monkey Overlord, at Monday, March 07, 2005 12:36:00 AM  

yeah i'm drunk too, so what?

fuck you ant the house you rode in on.

i'm out!

By Blogger Supreme Monkey Overlord, at Monday, March 07, 2005 12:38:00 AM  

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