# posted by josh @ 3/26/2005 06:11:00 PM
i assume some or all of you have heard (maybe i heard it on here and am just retarded) that mr. wilkin, the social studies guy at HK has been arrested for growing weed. i think most rational people could've figured that one.
also, jon todzia got a job at HK (not sure if this is in any way tied to the 1st story yet)
what you may not have heard about, and ron and maybe chump may be the only other ones who know him, is that jason argersinger (from valley) was kidnapped and murdered. apparently his car was found in mass and his body in upstate ny. could be drug related. if you recall several years ago he was arrested in haddam at like 4am and in his car he had 27lbs of weed and $24,000 cash.
and life rolls on...
definitely heard of it and its definately drug related. for full details ask the wolf.
Im in love with a girl named mary jane...again. And one other.
yea its all over the press. he fucked up bad, along with a bunch of others.
Forced debt cancellation. The type of reason I never wanted to be a player in the game, really.
yeah, if you guys got any more details i'd like to hear...i knew him (like some of you did) and it's just weird.