# posted by ron @ 3/15/2005 09:36:00 AM
our BBall teams will romp your ass in a street fight. they are all thugs
i just took offense to the uconn thing. graduating suma cum lauda is a big fucking deal even if its compared to penn state. with all the shennanigens and debauchery that happens at college graduating with a 3.0 or even just on time is a big deal. hey, i'd expect the same from you guys if i said something that bothered you. besides the reality of college is regardless of the name its what you personally get out of it. i've seen here at uconn people graduate who basically dont know jack shit. i'm sure it happens every place.
matt, just wait until the MEMS RF switch stuff hits the market. you'll see week long battery life. well, you'd see a week if it was just a phone, the mp3, camera video stuff has nothing to do with low power RF swtiches. when MEMS come around you are going to see stuff you could have only dreamed of. plasma screen phone anyone? WiFi is going to be sick! its going to be like minority report with the ad fiends beaming you shit to your phone as you walk by the store. imagine shopping and just walking out the door and having ever item in your cart scanned, checked and billed to your account. no checkout lines? hmmm, it raises some serious security issues. thats where the business is boys, security. homeland security anyone? privacy protection. damn i love dreaming about the complexity of shit.
privacy protection isn't were the money is, its privacy stealing were the big bucks are. look at the company choicepoint who just had they systems hacked. all they do is collect information on people are sell it to other companies. they have an obscene amount of data on each of us.
my philosophy is that there are no safe electronic devises because if there is a way to secure it, then there is a way to get around that security.
dude, i'm talking about making a legitimate career. not doing something that causes everyone to hate you like illegal data mining.
and you're right, nothing electronic is safe. infact its as simple as switches in the correct positions, times a few trillion of course.