# posted by ron @ 3/22/2005 08:52:00 PM
we should have a separate congress dedicated to researching laws and eliminating those deemed obsolete, and combining and simplifying complex ones. oh, also giving wrist slaps for bad ones.
we can use the blogger as record. if i'm ever a brain dead vegetable then please just bury me and get over it. congress is getting out of hand with its power. the MLB thing and now or continuing the teri thing in florida. if congress was smarter then it wouldnt matter much who the fuck the president was. also if the courts had any spine at all then that fucking pedaphile jackson would be put away already.
another note of this week, i forgot to bring a towel back from home so i've been using a t-shirt every morning after my shower. dont laugh, i'm sure you've had to improvise sometimes too. sock to wipe ass,? come on, atleast you've used a spoon in place of a fork. i could go to walmart to buy a towel but i'd want to wash it before i'd use it. who's got time to do a wash during the week?
kolpak, congrats on the new job.
barone, lets see the re-vamped site. its been awhile.