# posted by josh @ 3/26/2005 10:50:00 AM
that's actually from the unc fightsong, but i think it's equally applicable here. i mean honestly, it's not like they did anything creative and rhymed stuff with tarheel. they just took common words unrelated to their school or mascot which rhymed and use them. i say it's fair game for all. fuck the tarheels. from here on out gotta cheer for west virginia. go big east! (although louisville may be acceptable since they're joining the big east next year.)
being in the south is draining. now with this whole schiavo case (someone had to bring it up), all i hear is how liberals are murderers and killers. give me a break. here's what i think it comes down to: there is a legal standard established that a competent spouse acts as a guardian in these situations. while of course there are moral values intertwined, we have a standard to go by. remember, it's not abotu whether or not we should reinsert the feeding tube, it's about who has the authority to make that choice. and conservatives are making it about the former, and justifying it with religious values (which may/may not be shared by all). i saw this guy on larry king, and when larry asked him what constitutional support his argument had, he started quoting scripture. SCRIPTURE. i have no problem with people being religious. but you simply cannot impose your values on others, even if you may be a majority (why did the first settlers leave europe again??)
the 2nd problem is when the parents look to gov jeb bush for some sort of help/block. so far this has been unsuccessful, and for good reason. there is a separation of powers argument here. once a court has made a final judgment, it may not be overturned by another branch of the government. of course, it can be overturned in a future case/judgment. and congress can also pass a new law overturning the judgment, but it cannot and will not be applied retroactively.