# posted by josh @ 3/13/2005 07:36:00 PM
it seems everyone has their panties in a bunch. i've long touted the superior performance of crotchless panties, yet to no avail. perhaps things might change. or perhaps some stories from charleston will cheer you up.
ok well i spent about 15 minutes typing out stories, but then erased them cuz as i type i realize they're much better if told orally in person. if you want stories, you know how to get them. otherwise, you'll get them when i see you next. also people dont seem to be in the mood and i dont think they'd be appreciated. so instead, this.
it seems to me (to ME, not claiming any omnipotence, etc) that lots of us are unhappy with our lives, the world in general, or who knows what. but we're fighting like a bunch of chicks. i honestly don't believe that damon meant anything by his post, i think he was just tellign a story. but i can also read it to be interpreted the way others did. when i read posts, i try to read objectively. we're all friends, and i dont think anyone means anythign. men were given penises, driving skills, and rationality for a reason.
one reason i enjoy the post is cuz it's often the only way i hear from most of you. i enjoy keeping up to date with everyone, cuz you're my best friends who i've grown up with.
this shit is fucking stupid. how hard it is to just keep up to date, exchange enjoyable stories, or discuss topics in a respectful manner?
i admit, i rant a lot too. i bitch about stuff. i complain, i swear, but i dont mean anything by it. nor do i think others do. people need to vent from time to time, and i think blogger is an appropriate way to do it. life is not easy, or always good. but we need to suck it up. we can still discuss other ideas. there are always a few conversations going at a time, and not every post must become one.
i'm tired of typign about this shit. i had an awesome weekend and i'm gonna enjoy the rest of it. in my opinion nobody should be offended by anythign that's been written so far.