# posted by ron @ 3/13/2005 10:10:00 PM
as long as you can pay the bills your probably doing fine. want to talk about maturity do you guys know what type of shit josiah howenstien is in? a federal investigations in connection with an illegal gun of his and a murder. fucked up eh? keep that in mind when you ask yourself in the mirror if you are doing alright.
this page was created for all to bitch in their own respective ways. anything goes. brancibeers post sums it up the best. "waa waaa everyone's bitching, rons trying to figure out what to do about his car, barone's mad at the world, murphy's gone over the edge, damon's going to sweden."
up sounds about right. i was struggling with some decisions regarding a new car. barone is probably mad ...... whatever. this is the life we are living these days. the thing is bitching wont get any of us anywhere. transitioning from academia to a career oriented life path is pretty tough. i'm sure brancibeer will remember the weekends of getting stoned all day and going hiking. good times but now there is shit to do on the weekends like cleaning, shopping for food and just generally trying to stay sane. yea there is still the funtimes but responsibility has raised its ugly head in many of our lives and we dont like it, but thats how it goes (can anyone say car and/or student loan payements). fun stuff!
so in other news:
1) in a brief flash of immaturity i bought another bike. a "trials" bike. its freaking sweet!
2) in a brief flash of maturity i bought a replacement car BEFORE the current car leaves me stranded , 1996 subaru impreza, should have it next week. AWD baby! i already got plans with my roomate to autocross.
3) who's ready for spring? fuck this snow. although snow riding is fun.
my new bike!!!!!

trials bike