The Workermonkey


Wednesday, March 30, 2005

drunken rant vol.3 #746 

ron, i have to say that your simple question about which magazines to read has compleatly racked my brain. now a days that seems like such a hard question. some magazines are known as good journalism, some as leftist or conservitive and the call list for each seems to grow by the day. recently Time has started doing a lot of covers about jesus (some of you may have seen this on the daily show). its not that they are a religous rag, its just that's what sells. magazines like the nation or the new republic are very good, but they have an obvious leftist slant. its not a bad thing but its still not real journilism. scientific journals have recently been given bad names because they don't care about politics and only report scientific fact. some how this has become sceen as leftist propiganda, and that's sad. proper journalism has gone from responsible to a political tool. republicans have managed to dumb down thier audience enough to the point where anyone trying to take a cultured/smart view of things and look at both sides of the equation are now labeled as liberals. its a sad state of affiars.

when i read the news now a day's i really look more at who owns the paper/magazine and what thier political affileation is rather then whats being reported. i've managed to read enough crap from both sides that my over all view of world news is getting distorted.

the burlington free press has gotten to the point where op-ed pages are filled with pro-republican agendas. today they ran an opinion piece about how idiots are trying to stop the advancement of windpower because it might block thier views of mountains. the piece talked directly about how global warming would cause the distruction of all of the land scape instead of just the little part affected by windmills. it was the first responsible piece of journalism i've seen from them in months and it came from an average reader. the Burlington Free Press has a captivated audience because they are the only paper in the area and it really isn't any bigger then the middletown press. it's owned by USAtoday which is a known republican rag. thier coverage of news events very much mimics republican banter and their opinion pages spit republican jibberish. i was very much surprised to see the wind power writing in today's edition.

i find that no matter what i read i have to filter it for political retoric. at the end of hte day it comes down to the fact that these papers need to make money so they are willing to do what ever it takes to achieve that goal. if its ten pages on how guilty michael jackson is or pushing the sports page to the back of the Vermont section (which the free press does(its disturbing, i get two pages about local highschool sports but only three paragraphs about national baseball(the sports pages are not a separate section, thier located in the back of another section of paper))).


who read the piece macunas posted about viedo games? the president of nintendo gave a speach recently that ripped the gaming industry to shreds. he complained about hte current state of games and how they aren't looking for innovation but rather prieeter graphics. developers aren't looking to make games more fun but rather to make the same old games look better with pretty pictures. the nintendo revolution is aimed at making the gaming experience more fun rahter then look better. i give them credit for coming out with teh nintendo DS, something with a touch screen. games aren't going to look much better then they do now but developers are struggling to come up with something different.

remember that friend you had who used to violently move the controler to NES when they first interacted with it? you'd see them spasticly jolt the controler to the left in order to turn left in a driving game or jump every time they wanted mario to jump a little higher. now imagine if that were happening. the new controlers that are going ot be presented by nintendo are going to allow that. they have touch pads instead of D-pads. they have gyroscopes for crying out louad. its not going to be a replacement for the game cube just like the DS isn't going to be a replacemetn for the gameboy. i give nintendo credit for trying to improve the game market rather then just improving the same old thing.

my only problem is that it's going to fail because american consumers are a bunch of dumb asses and they fear change. who the fuck wants to see 17 versions of GTA with better graphics? oh wait, you mean it wasn't until GTA3 when we saw the third person view? anyone remember that GTA 1 and 2 were top down car driving/bank robbing games? guess not. there was a small uprise recently when the GTA developers released it for the gamesboy and it was the old top down view style. seems enough people have never head of it to complain when the simple 2d version was converted to GBA and tricked into buying it that they are now feverishly working on a PSP version of the popular one. god damn idiots


all i have to say about terry schivo is let her die. how long has she been in a state of paralysis? how long had that feeding tube been in? years? wow, lets see, her brain is turning to fluid, she can't speak, eat, think, or move properly. lets keep her alive until numonia kills her!!!

oh wait a minute, you say this same kind of decision is made every day in hospitals arond the nation? where are these people crying for congress to intervien? oh i'm sorry, they let their person die with dignity and without causing a national debate. fucking republicans, this one is going to backfire on them.

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