# posted by murphy @ 3/13/2005 04:07:00 PM
Im wondering if anyone picked up on the movie reference of Davie Bowie as the masterful wizard pedifile. Hmmm....
Im not going to waste time. Me and jenny are done, the apt is infested with mice. I found stores of catfood under the coffee table and in the couch. Its kind of fucked up but there just mice.
Me and flores were contemplating moving down to Costa Rica for a while and see if we cant get some work. My dad just got back from a business trip down there and he said it was the shit.
prolly not gonna happen though cause i still got to pay for this apt. Maybe.
Damon, you got to come off it man. Do you really think you that much smarter. Your school is that much better. Somebody obviously has been blowing smoke up your ass. Dont even pretend to know us or the level of our maturity. when is the last time you made an effort to get together or do anything. Im suprised you condescend off your mountain to write on this post with such lowly simpletons. Who the Fuck cares. Im glad that your mom is proud of you but your full of shit. For future reference try not to pat yourself on the back so much. Fucking Twit
The fact of the matter is that were all intelligent, educated people. some of us just paid more for our education. Fuck this
The only time ive written on this blog in the past year has been to bitch, rant or attack people. Damon, I dont hate you, im just trying to help. Nobody wants to have a conversation with someone when they belittle the other person.
I sorry to say this but the blog sucks. Drunken bitching takes up the entire archive of the site. Im not saying I have anything particularly profound to say but wtf.
I will not post any longer