# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 3/17/2005 01:14:00 AM
apparenty the internet is under seige. with all the new talk about bloggers and message boards recently the internet has seen a massive upswing in activity. blogger is just one site but they've seen new blog activity soar and aren't prepared to handle it. there are many, many. many comicbook message boards (just about all the important ones) who have seen a huge up-swing in activity and have had to shut down in order to upgrade. it seems odd but its happening. people are flocking ot the internet for news and commentary. plus some of them seem to be under attack by hackers at the same time. odd coincidence, or massive government crackdown? you be the judge.
i have to say coincidence but i wouldn't put it past the bush administration. seriously, wolfowitz? world bank? the guy isn't qualified to run a McDonalds let alone the world bank. but you know what, its going to go through. just like all the others.
anyone see they allowed drilling in ANWR today? republicans finally got thier wish. and how did they do it? oh yeah, a meaninglesss attachment to the national budget which means democrats can't philibuster it. lets just hope the budget doesn't pass or we're all screwed.