# posted by ron @ 3/28/2005 02:20:00 PM
i'm not complaining about the lack of work for my job but its fucking boring. you'd think a coffee, some tea, two sodas and listening to music would keep me awake but its not working. so to pass the time i read RF MEMS stuff all day and keep up on the latest wireless phone technology. i'm just blown away by wireless technology i just cant seem to read enough. barone, any good magazines to subscribe to? i know there's a bunch of crap mags out there. i want a 3G phone as my next phone. with a plasma display. just kidding about the last part but we certainly have the
must have forgot to post this yesterday
Ron - can you post the link to the Sandia pics of the nano-gear assembly with the spider mite on it? I tried searching the main site but couldn't spot them.
i enjoy how the only words of macunas' comment that i understand are "can", "the" and "with"
good times.
ron, try www.mobileburn.com for near future phones and gadgets. as for mag's, the only ones i realy read are scientific american, Time and playboy. i either read the news paper, comics or books besides that.
time has kinda become "god weekly". In the last two years, Time has put out: "The Secrets of the Nativity," "The God Gene," "Faith, God and the Oval Office," "The Bible and the Apocalypse," "Who Was Moses?", "What Jesus Saw," "Why Did Jesus Have to Die?", "Jesus in 2000."
jesus (no pun intended). ok, pun sort of intended. but if jesus gets any more press hes' gonna start thinking he's paris hilton.