# posted by DJ Booze PiƱata @ 2/12/2005 06:32:00 PM
I've had a fever/cold for the past 3 or 4 days and I don't need it anymore. The CDC is probably going to put me down so I won't spread pestilence around homeless communities anymore.
So i went to this Mansfield library book sale and picked up Winston Churchill's 6 book collection of WWII chronicles/experiences. It's pretty ill. It's going to take me a long time to come to the ending. What the hell, here's a synopsis straight from my synapses:
After beating back G-town in the first war, everyone was mad paranoid about them re-arming, so they banned it and made germany pay crippling amounts of reparations for carrying the war to everyone's borders like that. They complied, and America started giving them tens of millions each year in aid. They had to pay that out to france and britain, who in turn paid thier own loans back to america (even churchill admits that was pretty stupid). Germany started building new factories that could be easily converted for war production on the sly. They pretty much eliminated unemployment by laying down the groundwork for war a decade ahead of time. Since thier military was limited and thier air force had to disband, there emerged a frenzy for pasttimes like hang-gliding and boy-scout style troop activities (planning fifteen years down the road). After WWI everyone pretty much became pussies about actual confrontation and so no one would repremand germany once they started breaking treaties. Plus there was alot of Liberals and Communists in power everywhere so no one really listened much to the Hawks. That's it i'm outta here.
not to mention disbanding the german navy. WWI peace treaty was thought to be exceedingly harsh to the Germans and their defense system. Britain and France along with the rest of Europe, allowed for Germany to Build its army back to a strong level as a result of the unfair treaty conditions. WWII would not have happened if the terms of the treaty of versailles was fair after the first world war