# posted by Brancibeer @ 2/16/2005 10:45:00 PM
Whats happening Monkeys?! Brancibeer here. Been a while. I'm traveling again, hence the only time i get to check the ole blog (yet not much time at all). The internet connection in the house is not on the list in the near future. Maybe once the Kimmer starts bringing in some dow, but for now its the essentials.
I live pretty well. Try to eat right, have good taste. Have luxeries here and there. I'd say i live a moderately classy life. I dont want to be yuppie though, but sometimes i fear i may be on the line.
Dumb and Dumber (Murphy/ chump) arrived or crashed at my house last monday. Getting any sure answers out of those two is like talking to a four year old. It was a shaky landing, but everything turned out fine. Felt great to hang out and talk and stuff. We had good times and did some cool stuff. Went to beach, boat ride, party, tetris, tetris, tetris, played with kitties, out to eat, got pissed off, got pissed, got over it- you know the usual. Sad to see them go though, they should be back in CT anytime now. Any of you are always welcome to come down. Always nice to hang with some true old friends.
Thanks for remembering my B-day doobies. The day came and went and the song remains the same. Still struggling with the working life, and trying to think of ways to escape it. Will i ever succeed? Will you? He put down his drink, and a tear came to his eye, and he realized, he loved Big Brother (or something like that). Started reading on my lunch breaks. Its a good way to keep reading, and put your mind on something else. Lots of good books ahead of me. I'm still trying to write here and there too. Only when I get inspired and only when i have time- which is about once every month. But hey, it adds up and maybe i can make something of it someday.
Murphy and Chump will tell you about my life here. Have i changed? Am i still a neat freak? Youll just have to pry it out of them. Bring treats and lots of beer.
Hope to communicate regulary again sometime soon!
in the words of the alabama slamma "dont look AT ME!!" eeeeeeeeeyyyyyyaaaaaooooooo
keepin it real