# posted by josh @ 8/17/2004 10:07:00 PM
though i realize it is difficult for me to maintain any vital or serious role in the book now that i am 14 hours away and have more work than i know what to do with, i still intend to assist when/however i can. well, i think i can help.
tonight this bar in columbia held a free party (no cover and free beer) for all us 1L's (read: first year law students). well i was talkign to this girl who happens to be in my section (same first semester classes), and it just so happens the idea of the book came up. well, she tells me that if we have something done that we like, she'll give it to this guy she's close with who then takes writings and shops around with different publishers. this guy is a close family friend. her sister's husband has been researching theology and had written 3 or so chapters, and this guy took some of it and is hunting around for publishing offers for him.
now this is of course not to say that anything is certain. what i'm saying is that if we get 50 or 100 or however many pages done, edited, and to our liking, this guy is osmeone who we could at least give a copy to in order to see what comes of it. the way i see it, it can't hurt us at all if we do this. so, if something develops (and i think for these purposes it would need to be semi-professional at a minimum, ie not just our rough drafts thrown together), we have a possible connection to the next step, if we so desire.
that being said, and nothing being certain, hope you all are doing well, and that the book's coming along (let me know if i can do anything here and there to help out). ron, dont spend 24/7 in that lab, i think you might lose it a bit.
late for now
Thats awesome. Just what we need. There will be something written, just by who is a different question. Ive got about 12 pages so far. If we could get 2 more stories that connect and this guy says he likes it- maybe that will get some of these slugs to be serious. Or not. Ill do it myself damn it.
Also, Josh we still want you in on this. Your story was off to a good start. If you have time write a few once and a while. You see how long its taking everyone else, and we have no excuse.