The Workermonkey


Wednesday, August 25, 2004

going up to VT, gonna have myself a time.... 

friendly faces everywhere, humble folks without temptation.

if i need to be contacted for the next few days, call; 802-425-5465

its our VT number. i'll be there until atleast saturday evening. My phone doesn't work in VT because there is no GSM service in VT. fucking back woods hicks. Its alittle behind the times up htere but i still love it. People are nicer, places are friendlier, people are happy. Its just nicer. traffic isn't like CT, the driver next to you will let you in when you don't expect it. times are a little simpler, easier. my house is in an area where cable TV doesn't run. and we live within 15 miles of the only city in VT. The little stuff seems so much smaller, and the big things seem to move at a gentalmans pace.
so, after all that, you must be thinking "so why doesn't he just move back?"

i have friends here, i have cable TV and access to all Yankee games on TV. I have internet access and the ability to walk in to any type of store after 10:00pm here. My thinking is that i have all the little tech advances i could want here that i can't have in VT. I'm going to stay for the month of september in CT. my lease ran out at th te end of last month, but due to some administrative error, i've been living here under an expired lease. i'm going to renew it for one more month and use that month to fuck around. I figure its going to take at least 6 weeks to see my first unemplyment check so i'll be using some of the money that i had saved to pay for liveing expensies for the next month. I'm als going to use this time ot do aal the crap i wanted to do after school that didn't happen when i found a job very quickly. its time for a break for me. i need a good vacation. maybe i'll get my ass in gear and write for hte book. i wrote a full page today and made the rest of hte strory make sense. (for me a page is one full page of single spaced, 12 point font) I've been thinking of my other career opertunities. i've been thinking alot about what i want tpo be able to say i've done when i'm older. i think i'd like to say that i've worked at a bar. that i've worked at a porno store, because i bet those guys have seen some of the crazest stuff you've ever heard of. i think i'de like to have my own radio show. i think i'de like to wor in comic books. i think i'd liketo do alot of things and i've now been presented with a unique opertunity to explore some of those creative outlets and other career paths i've always wanted to try.

i read a quote today that said something along the lines of "you can't win an argument with incompetence". i had never heard it quoted before but i know that i've said that same thing many times. when a bunch of people can lay claim to a simple quote like that, who gets credit? is it the more successful of the two people? the more popular? if i were to die today, would i get credit? does anyone even remember me saying it? man, i can think of so many side to any situation that it drives me nuts. i have a hard time coming to conclutions because i think of too many situations.

comic books invade the olympics

I like doing drugs in public.

The world used to be in good hands while I was younger. Things always seemed good. Even if personally I wasn’t doing ok, the bigger picture was fine and being handled by someone else. This led me to feel generally comfortable with the way things were. I was comfortable with just sitting bac,k and letting life come to me as it may. Very laid back and generally comfortable. Sure I complained about the little stuff but things that were beyond my control seemed alright.

Things don’t seem to e doing so well now. There is war, terror and desiese. There is a rift coming in this country, between the religious right and the liberal left. Neither side will be able to pull any punches. Its not a war that will be fought with guns and bullets, but with votes and the media. Controlling the media will ensure victory for either side. The media controls what the people think and most people aren’t smart enough or don’t care enough to bother thinking on their own. Its already begun. FOX has started it with their in your face news entertainment and right wing conservitive hosts. The republicans have already branded liberals as traitors, demons and un-patriotic evil do-ers. The left fired back with a new liberal radio station Air America radio. Rush, O'riley and all the other republican message boosters jumped on squashing the new network and trying to destroy it from the very beginning. they were unsuccessful. The country is still devided on Bush and Kerry, polls aren’t showing massive support for either side.

More religious people tend to go with the republicans and bush since they think he’s “strong on terror”, although he diverted massive sums of money into another war in a country which he lied to us about. Their trying to blame anything that goes wrong on someone else, “it must be Clintons fault!” Those crazy talk show hosts get better raitings when they criticsize people and bring on confrontation. They tend to lie also, but if they say it louad enough, long enough, those simple minded religious followers who believe everything they’re told start to believe it. And that’s kind of scary.

The liberals seem to be taking their time to educate the people and point ou the flaws of society and holding people responsible for htier actions. This makes them look weak and whiney. People don’t like weak and smart. It seems to bother them. this tactic doesn't work because people like to be told things rather then educare themselves and actually understand a topic. its just easier. no one likes to think, that takes effort. and at the end of a long day, its hard to sit down and try to think about politcs. and thats how the like it. the poeple in powert dont' want you to think. that causes problems.

The more people I talk too

So this tends to flow in the direction of people believing lies and being happy. But that can’t happen. We can’t let a few rich bastards win this thing. They control everything and once they start controlling the people, they will have absolute power.

We need people tp care again, to learn about politics and have that passion for the world around them. Our country was founded on having the people partake in government, that’s why it’s a democracy. Government used to be a pastime, now its business. Its time to take part in the politics of the world. No more confrotable happyness, hings are falling apart and its time to get involved.

thats what this site in missing. some heated political debate. longer posts about whats bugging me today. i'm sorry everyone, i've been distracted with everything. life, job, no job, partyin g, everything. i need to get passionate again. start doing things instead of just giving a shit. i need to get involved. i found an add in the paper this week that said "want to defeat president bush?" it offered jobs aimed at defeating president bush. i think i;'m going to start looking into moving to ohio, or pensilvania to help sway thte vote. part of this unique situation i'm in is that i cpould possibly effect the outcome of the presidential ellection by helping people in ohia vote for kerry. move to a swing state and sway tyhe populous. i';m sure i could get some kind of democratice backer. al franken has povided links to organizations that are willing to help. i only have to live there for a month before i'm eligable to vote in the state of ohio. DO-ABLE.

The baseball season is almost up. i was so excited to see baseball at the beginning of the season, but now my enthusiasim and wanned a little. I still follow the yanks, but i'm slacking on the other teams. and i think peter gammons and john kruck have steared me right in fantasy baseball. so suck it murphy.

i guess thinkgs do look better in slow motion.

when companies create things like this, who do they consult? why can't i be the one they consult. i can acuretly predict if this crap is going to fail or not. i have a good track record. how do you break into this type of business? its like advertising, its so god damn easy.

i've been thinking. if most of us are going to stick around in this area, why dont' we open a bar/restaurant/club around here?. tino could handle the food/restaurant part of it, i'm sure owning arestaruant is part of his over all plan in life, the rst of us could work there part time, and throw some money at it to get it going. i'm sure we cold find a good place around here to open up. we all seem to have big dreams of moving away and starting over, but they never seem to happen. (except josh)

you've got you're self a god damn deal.


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