# posted by josh @ 8/26/2004 02:15:00 PM
i dont have the time to be on this site right now, but i just caught up from chumps post about goin to vt (yes i know i'm way behind...since around the 15th or so i'd argue) and i thought it important to post.
chump, you were dragged down by that last job. i could tell by talking to you, and by your posts. so, as it's rational to not get stuck in something like that again, i'm not sure it's rational to try and do the exact opposite (by, say, moving to ohio to get people to vote for kerry). i'll tell you why. you hate bush. i hate bush. lots of people do. regardless who's in office, there will be things we hate about them, even if it is the lesser of 2 evils. further, dont move out there just to do that, unless you plan to live a nomadic life, uprooting yourself to whatever job seems attractive at the time. remember, though today might suck, long term goals are important too (look at me, i have so much work to do i dont know what to do w/ myself. it's by far my most trying test so far. but in 3 years i'll be DAMN glad i did it, if for no other reason than just the opportunities i'll have that i wouldnt have had without a law degree). dont just focus on the long term though.
brancy, i can relate to your position cuz i've kinda found myself in a similar one. i have no time during the week, and very little on weekends to do as i please (though i found if i work hard enough i can get to relax fri and sat nights, and part of sun). but this requires extreme discipline. as a result, i just dont have time to go out and get smashed anymore. cuz if i do on one of my free nights, then i'm useless for half of the next day, something i cannot afford right now. sure i go out w/ friends here to the bars, but i can't do what i did before. moderation.
but it's amazing, i feel better cuz of it, and i feel like i'm learning a lot, and i'm only 1 week into classes. i've never focused on work the way i am now, and i can see the difference.
so i guess dont get too caught up on short term goals: you want to be able to see the forest from the trees. look at what you really want to accomplish or do with your life, then figure out the best way to get there. i'm not sure any of you would like or even consider it, but if you're stuck, law school might be an option. sure, you may hate some of it (criminal law sucks my asshole), but you'll gain a lot of other knowledge that's both useful and interesting (i had no knowledge of property before i got here, and now it's perhaps my favorite class this semester). some stuff also would be relevant to some of our conversations. and of course you dont have to practice law, you can use your degree otherwise. of course i realize this means spending a lot of money/amassing loans, but if it'd help you out maybe...?
my advice is to take a day or 2 and just think. dont drink, dont smoke, dont watch tv or go on the internet all day. write ideas down if you want, or just think about them. you life goal list. how to achieve the goals. then make a decision. but dont be rash.
aight i got a shitload to do. here's to your health boys