The Workermonkey


Thursday, August 12, 2004

behold the prophecy.. 

as promised, i ran a few errands today (one of which was groceries) and then got home nad drank myself stupid. hopefully spellcheck can make me look sober. Ron, i agree about asking for more money, but i guess its not really that easy at a small company. part of my problem is that i've been beaten over the head with the fact they've been around for 20 years. As i ask more questions around the place, i've learned that we've almost always been the same size. this makes me think that maybe they aren't doing that good. so i start asking about the advertising we do. what advertising? i guess there eally isn't any. i'm trying to push them to do more advertising and just generally make more money. the catch is that its really like working with anyone of our parents. they refuse to listen to logic and are quite stubbon. I think i'm going to tell joe to go fuck himself before i'm ready to leave. or maybe i'll just pull a TJ and disapear for three days. fuck um all.

any idea on a looney wedding gift?

i'm thinking $20 and a case of guinness

or some sort of animal

maybe a gerbil.

went down to gregs the other day, he saved these two iguannas from some retart who coudln't take care of them. Brian, they have extra long toes(?) and thier skin is extra leathery from being mal-nurished. and damn, megan likes to smoke. she had me smokin' bowls within 2 minutes of opening the door, and we had to hide it from dan. i guess he doesn't care what any of us do as long as we don't tell him about it.

gregs place got raided last week by the cops. he was throwing a party for his cousing and one of hte neighors called and complained about the noise. They came in and all the underaged kids were hiding up stainrs. some drunk chick saw the cops and freaked out. they stopped her and she ratted everyone out. when they were rounding all the kids up up stairs they were ready to leave until someone saw all the left over fire works in the corner. one of hte cops made a stink and they were both very close to getting arrested, at one point they were both in hand cuffs. luckily, gregs dad is basically a mobster and has a bunch of connections to the police station there. after a while the cops just took all hte fire works and one of the cops his dad knew ruined all the evidence. it was a pretty good story.

Rod Liefield is a complete waste of good talent. In its truest form.

Conan O'Brien, still king of late night.

anyone notice the government ousted a member of al-quida working for pakistan. do people care anymore? when the democrate were still trying to decide who could beat bush, i was all excited about this political stuff. now i've pretty much had my mind made up and now i'm just trying to persuade people to agree with me. i'd rather just be in control nad force people to vote for someone other then bush, or course, that would be exactly what bush is doing to keep the whit ehouse.

htere has been some exciting stuf happening in the world of syndicated comic strips and webtoons. check out the PvP site o nthe right for more on it. Scott Kurtz is offering a new way to distribute comic strips nad the syndicates are all over him for trying to ruin thier cash cow. its kind of interesting. some very heated arguements from the guy who does "non-sequitor" and a few other well known artists.

wait, i forget.


hold on.





if they havent grown in 20 years then do you think they will grow now? also matt, even if they do grow and you up production? will you need a bigger plant? more workers? i'm sure the head office is nice and comfortable with the income and such, so you coming in and trying to shake things up is probably unwelcomed.

also, about building it to code. is it really that difficult? i'd like to have you explain the problems to me sometime.

By Blogger ron, at Thursday, August 12, 2004 11:57:00 AM  

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