# posted by josh @ 8/14/2004 10:28:00 PM
well i'm back in the dirty dirty, this time even dirtier than the last. got the apt all set up and shit, and obviously the internet and everything too. orientation starts tues (for which i have an assignment) and classes start thurs (for which i have multiple assignments). it's gonna be like that. and i just read ths great book, basically the law school bible, and it's gonna be a hell of a ride , from school itself, to getting summer jobs, to getting a real job, to passing the bar.
fear, apprehension, and excitement.
i like that my life keeps changing. keeps things interesting. but also looking forward 3 yrs to a real job. stability.
the key is the perfect combination of change and stability.
from this combination we can fruitfully sustain our lives, well enough to reproduce so some new fuckers can change/stabilize their own lives, while sharing your name.
if the point of life is to sustain the race, then i am enduring all this school and pressure so i can at least have enough money to enjoy
myself in between impregnating some ho and working. golf, drinknig, concerts, ball games, homes, cars, family, that stuff.
according to this, the point of life is to keep it happy and interesting, as well as to sustain the species. i can live with that.
Good post. I also think im striveing for stability. However once i get there i will probably strive for change. A specific balance is the key.