# posted by DJ Booze PiƱata @ 7/18/2004 01:48:00 PM
When I left off I believe I was starting to talk about Tino and my relationship with him. It all started in 5th grade when he joined my little league team, the Espisito Builders. Our sponser was aparently a builder of some kind. We never saw him but at the end of the season he got a trophy. I never met Mr. Espisito but i assume he is an asshole and a shitty carpenter. what a usless name for a little league team, and those fucking uncomfortable ass polyester uniforms, holy shit that sucked. (im going to stop punctuating here cause it sucks without spell check shit)
back to reality. Tino was a small curly-haired greek boy that was not a very good baseball player. he played outfield or some worthless position. dont get me wrong i was a fat little bastard that they just stuck behind the plate. i could hit the ball though and tino could not. he was good times though and we had many a hi jinks in the dugout. we convinced another kid to piss in a water bottle of another team mate and the kid drank it. i would go over John bergans house after school so his parents could take me to practice. a couple of times i went over tinos and we would go swimmin in the higg resvor. his neighbors had a rope swing in their yard and let us use it.
my relationship with tino grew and continued for the rest of school and through college. the first time i got drunk was at his place. we were in 8th grade and decided to sample the liquor cabinet. I puked and then we went for a hike. we decided that we better sober up before his parents got home so we stuck our heads in the stream. I ended up falling in the water and it was fucking cold as shit. i convinced tino to jump in because his parents would think something was up if just one of us fell in.
we came back to the house drunk and soaked in the mid of february. his parents did not notice a thing. it was also here that i first smoked pot. it was a couple of years later in high school me and my older brother Cain had gone over there after school and Cain was going to buy some pot. he and tino's older brother went out in the woods and smoked while me and dirty t stayed behind.
i hinted that i wanted to smoke and tino packed up his brothers bong and we fired it up. "some people say you dont get high your first time... not me, not us... we was really, REALLY high." i think that is a rumor anyways people probably just arent smoking enough or arent doing it right. that is why we used a bong. there is not way to screw it up. take a hit! if you still see smoke in the tube when you are done then your really not done yet are you. lazy non bong clrearing mutherfuckers. ahahahahahahahahahaha.
Tino was the first and after i had become infected with this wonderful drug it quickly spread through our cirlce of friends and the rest was history. our shall i say a blur. what were we just talking about? ah yes High School.
i think of myself as generally a nice guy and fairly courtious of other peoples feelings....pause for confirmation...but in high school i was a bit of an asshole. and worse when i got together with tino. no one else's thoughts or opinions mattered except my and his. that was the attitude.
for this i apoligize, not to you personally of course, but to those that this story pertains. if i have however offended you on other terms we will deal with that later. i cant be held responsible for forgeting a girls name so let it go god damn it. i have a friend called kolpak that i believe falls into this category. he went to killingworth elementary school and i did not meet him until 7th grade.
middle school is a distant memory for me and i do not remember much except some isolated incidents: fights and other major events. as high school began i played football as freshman as did kolpak. i was not so nice to him and me and tino would kind of pick on him. i did not have a problem with him personally but tino did not like him for one reason or another and i went along. im not proud of this and i am sorry. kolpak is one of my closest friends and i was a dick to him. this man is my brother and nowadays i trust him with my life and it is sad to think about.
sometimes you just got to keep on keeping on
i love you guys
keep the peace