# posted by Brancibeer @ 7/05/2004 11:28:00 PM
Keep chuggin boys. Make them storys full. Here is an exerp i felt like posting from mine...
"I wasn’t so comforted by the fact that Murphy’s brothers were going to be present, and no less, our social crutch. From what I knew, they were red-headed, Irish-blooded madmen. You see, Justin grew up in a family of three brothers, with him being the youngest. There was Eli, the oldest, and Kane, in the middle. All three brothers were commonly known assholes, but under it all were actually good guys. During the course of their upbringing, the brothers developed a fierce aggressive brutality for any other human being, including each other. I can remember being over Justin’s house while Kane and Eli laughingly, but seriously, played a game of “Ronny King” (that they proudly invented) on Ron. It was never fair for us being much younger. They always had the upper hand, and we just had to take it when it was dished. Justin of course took the worst of their assertive behavior being the younger sibling. Years later I never understood why he would eat with such consumptive voracity in the dining hall in college. I soon pieced it together that a dinner growing up with the Murphy brothers was much like that of a pack of hyenas tearing on their prey. Justin was preconditioned for survival of the fittest. It explained why he always took the most and finished first while looking around trying to intimidate anyone he gazed upon. Justin came out the winner, however, and is now the biggest and strongest of the three brothers.
Luckily, John’s brother was far less of a threat. John was from a family of five boys, him being the second youngest. He also interestingly later developed to be the black sheep of the family. All older brothers were popular, good looking, athletic, easy going nice guys. John possessed all of those qualities, but either did not know it, or preferred to use them in different ways. Zach, who was the brother attending the party, was the typical Bergan."
Meeting next weekend TBD
Are you guys doing to ask permission to use all those names and likenesses in your book, for your profit?
Are you talking about making money off of other peoples characters? Or just if we are going to ask the people when we use their name?
Enough with the anonymous....