# posted by Brancibeer @ 7/18/2004 12:02:00 AM
Holy shit, I never realized how good “the Doors” movie really was. Now, I know its 11:34 pm and I just got back from playing “setback”, and “Punchout” at Tinos, but, uh…what was I going to say? Oh yeah, the doors are cool. Ever wonder how much Beavis and Butthead, southpark, and the simpsons have shaped our childhood? They are responsible for 40% of our language dialogue. You guys should travel. Seroiusly everyone needs to step out of their world and into another for a while. Its unhealthy not too. I have this debate with myself all the time. Should I move away and grow as a person and miss my friends and family? Or should I stay here and build my life here with what I have (family, friends). I think ive already decided. It’s a tough one, but ive decided that personal growth is at the top of the list. I cant tell you what being on my own for a bit did for my character. You meet people, ideas, places, and you might even change your mind on some things. I call it, “Broadening your horizons”. Anyway, arguing that point is like arguing the point of life. Theres a million angles. Republicans never leave their world. At least that’s a theory I have. Maine was cool cause its Maine. Maybe its not Maine, maybe its just that ive gone there for 22 out of 23 years of my life. Its in my system. It could be Bridgeport and still have the same meaning. Weather sucked though, raining 90% of the time. Very damp camping. We should all go camping more- its like getting back to the roots. Chumps upset that Bergan has been believing the Republican bullshit. Well let me say this Chumpo, In theory, Communism works, in theory Republicanism works, in theory Democratism works. Point being theres a difference between having theorys and having something that’s practical. Application and experience is what really counts. But god damn it, Bush is a fucking moron- its so stiflingly clear its sickening. Its been cool having a rattlesnake in my freezer for the previous 6 days. Work is all right. Not really challenging or engaging. Doing cool stuff though. Will I ever be happy? Looney, Mo wedding coming up. Are they registered? Do you assholes even know what that means? Is there a bachelor party? Why did Czaja quit the army? Honorable or dishonorable? I shall ask him. Will ron make it the meeting on time tomorrow? Theres too many questions. Not enough time. I discovered why I like buddaism the best out of the religions= least stress. They don’t stress the past, whats done is done. You cant change it so you might as well accept it. It just leaves your mind clearer and less confused. You move on. Im on a rum and coke kick. Ever since Kolpak made me that one with a cherry, I loved it. The cherry was key. I wonder if the 70s were really like they portray it in movies. Seriously, a lot people were fucking doped out of there mind. The circle is complete back to the doors movie. I hate TV. You would be surprised what else you would do if you cut it out of your life. And how much it would annoy you afterwords. Im forcing a stop.