# posted by NoBrainRequired @ 5/23/2012 07:32:00 PM
Without getting into details why(beer), I was yelling at my kids. And this conversation happened:
Me: Do you think I like yelling at you two!?
Addy: Yell at the neighbors, Dad - (seriously, from a 3 year old? Where she get this attitude{probly her mother})
Me: No, I like the neighbors, I'm not going to yell at them - ( this has nothing to do with them)
Addy: You yell at Matt!
Me: I'll yet at Matt whenever I want, he's my best friend! (One of, but the point would be moot to her)
Addy (crying): NO DAD, MATT'S MY BEST FRIEND! NO DAD! (runs into her room and slams the door)
you've got to be kidding me. yell at the neighbors? damn that kid is getting smart. beer never made anyone yell at their kids.
well i guess you both have pretty sweet toys, so i can be both your best friends.
Its the opposite of "I didn't feel like yelling at my kids (weed)"
Matt's a popular guy, hes not the Supreme Monkey Overlord for nothing!
Sunday, May 13, 2012
A father's proud moment
# posted by NoBrainRequired @ 5/13/2012 06:19:00 PM
Adelaide (who will be 3 on May 24) played her first full game of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. She scored an unbelievable 0-0-1 in the Elite Match. Anyone familiar with game has to recognize how hard it is to only die once in a whole game. I went 15-4-17 in the same match.
In any case, its still a better score than the Supreme Monkey ever posted in full play. So the new pecking order is as follows:
Im sure she would crush me, but i think i can still beat her at carcasone.
Im sure she would crush me, but i think i can still beat her at carcasone.
the sad truth is that this is totally accurate. i can't purposely hide and not die. haven't played in a while but did this past weekend, its was embarrassing.
I've been all over the board with K/D's from .2 to 3. Smaller crowd, 1.5M on weekdays, 3M weekend. Plus, I'm a subscriber, so I get lumped in with a smaller, more devoted crowd and then to top it off, I'm in the top 10% of players so I get matched with people that are worlds better than me and must be unreal compared to a sloppy noob like yourself.
5 days, 2 hours. Oh, the good time wasted, wasting noobs.