# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 4/29/2012 01:58:00 PM
Tim was right, leading a double life wouldn't seem that bad right about now. I feel like I've got 4 going on myself at the moment. it's a little stressful and i'm certainly not keeping them all straight.
work: this one is going ok. its still crazy busy and I've been given some more responsibilities that are swamping me. having to work a lot of weekends isn't helping either. traveling has been interesting. sometimes i have to be a responsible adult.
the girl: see chapter 1 and 2 below, chapter 3 isn't over yet. some day this will be explained fully.
rock-star: I've kind of started this thing with Jon involving going out and picking up girls and self improvement. I've lost 20 pounds in the last 3 months and bought a new wardrobe to fit. this one's been a lot of fun but more interesting and more drama than i thought. I've also met some very interesting people, good and bad. the highest highs, the lowest lows.
oh yeah, me: i have been completely ignoring most of the existing things in my life like friends and family. the above 3 lives are dominating my time. i feel bad about this. it isn't intentional and nothing happened to cause it, just moving forward i guess.
the way these all interact is whats got me going crazy. it could all keep going great or blow up in my face at any given moment. i walk a fine line. i don't have any down time any more. at most i'll get a half a day on a weekend. struggling to find time for things like laundry, all good problems to have right now. i'm having a lot of fun doing this, don't get me wrong, its just been an interesting trip.
We know you will return to geekdom someday....
I tried to teach him Agricola, but he drank 3/4 a bottle of scotch by turn 5. Suffice to say, he didnt score well.
sounds like some good stuff. i can relate to some of it, parallel stuff going on here. good work on the weight loss, it does wonders for the health, the confidence, and the general well being. we gotta get together again soon sometime.
i know i'll be a nerdy loser again some day. mentally i keep telling myself this is all going to blow up in my face and this chapter of my life will just end abruptly. still waiting for that to happen i guess.
i didn't bother to check the scotch levels in the morning, but my hangover told me plenty had been drank. i only made it 3 hours at work sunday.
definately need to get together soon, it is golf season already! the weight lose has been nice, but a good portion of it has been stress related. i was semi- tracking it week to week and the two weeks with the most lose were the same weeks some dramatic happened in my life.
giving me more confidence is a double edged sword. i kind of have an ego....
Women are dangerous.
Friday, April 20, 2012
Happy 4/20
# posted by NoBrainRequired @ 4/20/2012 11:49:00 AM
So I am on board game geek, and i wonder "Has a looney ever made a board game?"
Thursday, April 19, 2012
the anomaly
# posted by wyldshaman @ 4/19/2012 10:35:00 PM
It recently occurred to me what a fantastic time in football we are living through, as friends. Mostly im talking to you two, but it can be broadened as many of you locals favor the same teams. (Me on the other hand am a sucker for warriors dressed in black and gold, but really it was sealed in 99 when me and some high school friends went to New Orleans for Mardi Gras)
Anyway considering the past couple of years, i noticed our teams have not only some of the best QB's in the game, but barring Aaron Rodgers
THE BEST QB's in football.
Top 5 QB's in the NFL Video
We should all take a moment and relish this, soon the saints and patriots might return to the laughing stock of football and the gaints will return to mediocrity. It will be alot different then our current format of all of us having a legitimate Superbowl contender.
Sunday, April 15, 2012
so, baseball started...
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 4/15/2012 09:00:00 PM
go yanks.
Anyone who likes the yankees is a coal burning fag.
Wednesday, April 04, 2012
chapter 2: the highest highs, the lowest lows
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 4/04/2012 07:35:00 AM
absolutely crushing - a million good comedies weren't that funny from the outside
a mess
before during and after work
3days later, back to normal
until they came out of the woodwork
only 1, not so bad, more than ten, going to fucking lose it
clueless? no way.
seriously, 18 hours of this? stab me in the eye
even superman knew this was a bad idea
no way this clueless, every word is like daggers
come on figure it out, please
mediation? no less awkward, i really don't think batman would be on board for this
didn't see that coming, neither did batman
awkward is the new normal
i win, for now
end chapter 2.
chapter 3 aught to be good, i can't wait to see what happens there.
You are losing your mind. What happened (English version please)?
i am losing my mind, this is an epic level mess, even for me.
Enjoy yourself...brace for the fall...protect yourself with scotch and rubbers.
Remember Scotch is for the night, but no rubber is for 18 years.